Re: [ORA Google Group] Meta-Node creation outside of the Visualizer

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Kathleen Carley

Apr 28, 2023, 10:58:55 AM4/28/23
you should be able to use the locate group report

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 10:37 AM Matthew Hicks <> wrote:
I have several Twitter datasets from ~200,000 to ~1M nodes.

I am really only interested in the Leiden groups of each dataset and would like to make a network map with Leiden groups as meta-nodes mapped over the top of link information extracted from the the Agent x Agent - All Communication Network.

I am trying to avoid doing anything through the visualizer. I tried Visualization > Create meta-node by attribute/measure - Leiden Group or Create meta-node by Grouping. However clicking any of the Create meta-node options crashes ORA - my machine is obviously not beefy enough to handle visualizing and meta-node creation simultaneously.

Create partition networks does not seem to do the right thing nor does running Data Management > Meta-Network Groups.

My backup is to export the both Agent x Agent network and Agent Attributes (Locate Groups has been run and Leiden Group is now an attribute) and then create a new Leiden group x Leiden group network by iterating over every node and collapsing that row of the matrix into a new Leiden row based on matching row agent to Leiden group through agent attributes. 

Is there anyway to accomplish this within ORA?

Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS)
The Institute for Software Research, Department of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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