Forming the value proposition

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Sep 29, 2009, 12:41:03 PM9/29/09
to Open Government Directive Unconference (OGD UnCon)
Greetings all. We will need to address the question as to what is the
desired outcome of this conference. It needs to go beyond identifying
barriers, though that is important. The conference results will need
to demonstrate the value that comes from a collaboration and the
creation of new information that is achieved as a result. Finding some
good case studies as a basis for discussion might be one thing we want
to look at.

Sep 29, 2009, 12:47:06 PM9/29/09
Have there been clear goals and objectives established?

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Matt Cooperrider

Sep 30, 2009, 9:55:30 AM9/30/09
to Open Government Directive Unconference (OGD UnCon)
Many open spaces set out to produce a document by the end. A set of
recommendations, a citizen's version of the OGD, a Guidebook to Open
Government, etc.

At the same time, a goal like this is interesting to those already in
the Open Gov know. It's also important to focus on educating new
attendees and giving them the tools to spread open gov practices into
their networks.

I woulda added these to the 'outcomes' page but there was no edit
button for me when I went. I didn't think you could lock pages in
Google Groups. Is it just a bug on my end?

Lucas Cioffi

Sep 30, 2009, 10:19:59 AM9/30/09
to Matt Cooperrider, Open Government Directive Unconference (OGD UnCon)
Hi Matt,

Thanks for catching that.  All wiki pages are now open to be edited.  Any member can also create a new page or invite other members.  If anyone else would like to be a co-manager of the Google Group, just let me know!



Sep 30, 2009, 12:05:09 PM9/30/09
to Open Government Directive Unconference (OGD UnCon)
Just wanted to put forward a case for emergent outcomes for this
unconference. We need to have a clear purpose, but if its a
successful unconference, the outcome or product of the event should
emerge as a by-product of the interaction. Case in point - look at
all the follow-up activities and coding that has emerged from
CrisisCamp. All we set forward to do was to discuss a number of
things that made sense - the end result was a focus (and follow-up
work) on an actual crisis situation between the Afghanistan/Pakistan

I think Lucas has a great handle on the purpose, and has put forward a
very motivating reason for forming this event. My contention is if we
have the right people attending and the right type of interactions,
the desired outcome will end up being far more fruitful than anything
we could have planned up-front. If you tell everyone coming in that
the "outcome will be a document/site that..." than you are almost
closing off the possibility for something far richer to emerge.

Just my two cents...

Noel Dickover

Lucas Cioffi

Sep 30, 2009, 12:44:29 PM9/30/09
to NoelDickover, Open Government Directive Unconference (OGD UnCon)
1. Great idea, Noel.  We now have a new page about "Setting the Conditions for Emergent Outcomes", and I added this to the page about Outcomes:
"First and foremost, we will make space for unexpected outcomes to emerge."

2. As planners, setting the right conditions for collaboration is our most important task.  I want to challenge us all to think about how this event can be substantially more valuable than any of the recent open government conferences.  Those conferences were primarily about networking; our primary goal is collaborative problem solving.  Let's continue to think big.

Michael Walsh

Sep 30, 2009, 11:47:00 PM9/30/09
to Open Government Directive Unconference (OGD UnCon)
With respect to 2), I cannot agree more that this event should be
differentiated from others! Aside from emphasizing networking too much
(either intentionally or unintentionally), some similar events failed
because discussions degraded into 3-5 key contributors debating among
themselves in a public forum. My understanding is that we want
everyone to be engaged at the event - we should come to participate in
two-way feedback not just listen in on others conversations. If this
is the case, we should encourage participant feedback on the desired
outcomes of the event both before and at the beginning of the
unconference. (One way this could be facilitated is an online poll.)
In my opinion, the objectives should be action-oriented (ex. the
earlier comment about producing some living artifact of the event) and
should be aimed at a certain level of impact. Executive memos are one
way these can be achieved, but I think that would be too limiting. We
should encourage creative thinking on this topic and let the community
arrive at an optimal "deliverable."

Michael Walsh
Project Director
Forum One Communications

On Sep 30, 12:44 pm, Lucas Cioffi <> wrote:
> 1. Great idea, Noel.  We now have a new page about "Setting the Conditions
> for Emergent Outcomes<>",
> and I added this to the page about
> Outcomes<>
> :
> "First and foremost, we will make space for unexpected outcomes to emerge."
> 2. As planners, setting the right conditions for collaboration is our most
> important task.  I want to challenge us all to think about how this event
> can be *substantially more valuable *than any of the recent open government
> conferences.  Those conferences were primarily about networking; our primary
> goal is collaborative problem solving.  Let's continue to think big.
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