Evolutionary quarantined system

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Jun 20, 2008, 4:53:10 AM6/20/08
to Open-Ended Evolutionary Innovation / Quarantined Syst.
At home I multiple cats.
Thes cats bring in mice.
Sometimes the mice are eaten sometimes they escape.
When they escape I catch them and put them in quarantine ( cage).

At present there are 7 of them in one cage.
They are already there for years because I thought 7 is enough.

I only give them water and a limited amount of assorted seeds ( a
small glass jar 5 cm in diameter and 2 cm high)

It is amazing how long they survive, far beyond what is in the books
as average mouse age.
Moreover they become very smart, each time the cage is cleaned I
provide them with different goods to nest and to decorate their cage
( no toys or swing mills this will wear them out)
The cats are still around and frequently storm the cage if a mouse is
walking around.
If you give them cardboard rolls ( internals of toilet paper) they
build a road of them from their little housing to the food jar.
They are voice controlled, if I am around they sit at ease on the top
of their housing looking at me.
They do not breed ( have no clue about the distribution male/female).

So a lot of testing on mice is done, but these are short term to
investigate the response to drugs or pharmacy.
Let them at rest and let them develop.
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