You want me to sell my life's work and teach you to use it for 20,000 US Dollars?

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Jul 24, 2008, 2:33:37 PM7/24/08
to Open-Ended Evolutionary Innovation / Quarantined Syst.
Your proposition troubles me for some number of reasons.

First, your writings on the subject do not reveal a grasp of the deep
issues (landscape) of this big challenge, so how could you recognize
the profitable solution even if it fell into your own hands? For
example, you write about a computer simulation and a wet physical
demonstration as being equivalent; they are not and never can be
(regardless of the glib scratchings of jargon others put here). Also
you ask what is "meaning", a crucial part of answer you say you seek.

Second, same kind of evidence shows you assume a material phenomenon
of changing occurs to types like "genes" rather than ensemble
characteristics. Allow me to point out that viewpoint has not changed
since Descartes, and has not gotten us further in understanding what
life is. Remember Einstein said doing the same thing (from same
viewpoint) over again and again but expecting different result only
proves madness.

Third, to convince you of the profit in my solution of how to
demonstrate evolution I first must tell you what life is and how it
works ==> overarching theory of life phenomena which unites subject
matter ranging from molecular biology to psycho- and sociology. Given
that life is the most complex phenomenon in the universe, the same
process of change must pervade universe ==> TOE. You want that too
(see #4).

Fourth, your connecting with Innocentive's required legal agreement
causes me to lose all rights to my hard-won ideas:

**Innocentive agreement, section 5:
"Upon Acceptance of your Proposed Solution by a Seeker and payment of
an Award to you (see "Payments"), you hereby assign and convey to
InnoCentive, as escrow agent for Seeker, all rights, title, and
interests in and to the Proposed Solution and any Work Product that
are related to the InnoCentive Challenge, and you retain no rights to
the Proposed Solution or the Work Product insofar as they are related
to the InnoCentive Challenge. In the event that the Work Product
cannot be assigned and conveyed under statutory law, you herewith
grant to InnoCentive, as escrow agent for Seeker, a worldwide,
unlimited, perpetual, irrevocable, and exclusive license to use, make,
have made, market, copy, modify, lease, sell, distribute, and create
derivative works of the Work Product, including the right to assign
the foregoing license to Seekers (all such rights collectively
referred to as "Intellectual Property"). If you utilize any processes
in development of the Work Product which are the subject of patent
rights owned by you, you agree to grant to InnoCentive, as escrow
agent for Seeker, a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free
right and license to practice any patented processes used in the Work
Product. Furthermore, you agree that you will, during the term of this
Agreement and at any time thereafter, execute all papers and do all
things deemed necessary by InnoCentive or a Seeker to ensure that the
Seeker acquires all rights, title, and interests in and to the
Solution and any Work Product that are related to the InnoCentive
Challenge, including the rights to all Intellectual Property embodied
therein, and that ensures that all such rights are transferred to

The solution you seek is no little molecular reagent or kitchen tool.
This agreement strips all rights of my ideas from me. If I give
solution, I do not get credit for ideas, cannot write a book about
them, practice my studies of any related part of them or even discuss
them without your written permission.

Understand, I have the answers you seek, but I would not let you use
(BORROW) them without big changes in this sick-greedy agreement. (I
wouldn't sell my life for 20 billion Euros.) This supports observation
#1. Now, how to spell legal words for predatory entrapping?
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