Still with Foxpro?

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Peter Rooney

Aug 3, 2011, 5:21:24 PM8/3/11
I came across this address in my address book: and thought I'd give it a try. A while ago some Foxpro users in New York City thought it would be a good idea to start a regionall SIG, and we built up a list of over 30 names. We haven't had meetings for a while; but meantime, groups in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles among other places are sitll going strong. The Philadelphia group is particularly active. It is meeting this coming Tuesday 8/9 in a suburb of Philadelphia, on the subject of "Tools" (a show-and-tell with audience participation). If you are interested, reply and I will forward to you an announcement from Tamar Granor, the SIG leader, which gives directions.
If there is enough interest, I think we will restart the NYC Fox SIG, but in a new format and venue.
The Fox lives!
Peter Rooney

Lew Schwartz

Aug 3, 2011, 5:42:28 PM8/3/11
Hi Peter:

Nice to hear from you. Yes, I still run with the fox and wouldn't mind
getting together locally ( or another virtual format), but trips to
Philly are out. Between work and photography, I'm not able to invest
the extra time.

-Lew S

M Singh

Aug 3, 2011, 11:38:30 PM8/3/11
Hi Peter:
Yes. Still working with FoxPro. Going to Philly on a weekday does not seem possible for me either. If it was a weekend maybe we could all share a ride to Philly.
If you start the local group again then yes I will be interested. I am also trying to get up to speed with C# Dot Net and was wondering if the group can get maybe Rod Paddock or Markus Egger to come speak. They kind of specialize in teaching VFP folks how to dance with Dot Net.


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Your Attitude almost always dictates your altitude.

Alen Kalati

Aug 4, 2011, 10:31:04 AM8/4/11
Pete and all;
I'm still using vfp.
I also go once in a while o the philly meetings.
If anyone is interested, we can share a ride. I can take up to 3 people - they can park at my house in Springfield,NJ and we can take my Prius. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Regarding the city meetings, Its funny but its more comfortable to drive to PA (For me) than cross the river into Manhattan :-)

Chaim Caron

Aug 5, 2011, 4:21:56 PM8/5/11
Hi Peter and all,
  Yes, of course I am still working with VFP--what else?
  I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a week's vacation and am running around trying to tie up a bunch of loose ends before I leave so I can't write now.  I'll be back in a week.  Please let me know the outcome of  your email.  If there are enough people interested, I would be very happy to reconvene the NY group.
  Have a good week.
  Best regards, Chaim
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 5:21 PM
Subject: [NycFoxSig:47] Still with Foxpro?


Aug 5, 2011, 7:41:57 PM8/5/11
I'm interested but I need to stay around the NYC area for now.
Lucy Cardwell

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From: Peter Rooney <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 17:21:24 -0400
Subject: [NycFoxSig:47] Still with Foxpro?

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