Small Arms & the Students' Conference in Delhi, India

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Feb 12, 2008, 12:53:01 AM2/12/08
to International Student Coalition to Abolish Small Arms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hello friends around the globe!

To this point we haven't really used this listserv all that much, but
I'd like that to change in the days and weeks to come.

Note: I have cc'd many folks who will not be attending the conference
in India (you know who you are); we have two groups of active students
in the US currently. One group is in Pennsylvania and has worked
extensively on handgun reform locally. The other group is at Stanford
University in California, headed by Jack Wang, and will be collecting
One Bullet Stories to share with other US and international chapters.
I would love if Jack and the Pennsylvania students felt welcome to
chime in and read this dialogue. We'd love your informed input.

As the conference approaches, I would like to identify a time to meet
with attendees to discuss aims for international small arms work for
2008. How can we help each other? How can we learn from each others'

I imagine it should be relatively easy to have an online repository
for One Bullet Stories on the website, but I invite
you all to join me in deep thought of what we need as an organization,
and what we can realistically do. At the least we can share ideas.

To spark discussion, I will be posting a file (see "Files") describing
the IPPNW Nigeria Raypower FM project. It is an outstanding piece of
work, if you have not looked at it yet.

I look forward to hearing from you, and please feel free to email me
personally (

Tova Fuller
National Student Representative & Board Member
Physicians for Social Responsibility
PSR-LA Member, Board of Directors

Feb 12, 2008, 12:54:24 AM2/12/08
to International Student Coalition to Abolish Small Arms

2 groups of students active on small arms work, specifically. We have
several more active students who could potentially be involved in this
work :-D

On Feb 11, 9:53 pm, ""
> personally (

Feb 25, 2008, 9:19:06 PM2/25/08
to International Student Coalition to Abolish Small Arms
To all,

I am currently creating a document that summarizes current small arms
work as I understand it. I will upload this document when it is
finalized for all's perusal. This document will serve as a template
for the discussions we will be having at the IPPNW world conference.

Please do send me any information you would like to see in this
document. ( or Feel
free to post in response to this email so I am not the only person
posting also :-) I have contacted some of you to add to this

I would like to tentatively schedule some meetings for students
attending the IPPNW world conference. From what I can tell from the
current agenda, these times are open:

* ISCASA Meetings *
4pm-6pm Friday, 3/7/08, New Delhi YMCA: Let's try to connect at lunch
on Friday, and meet during this break before the Congress Dinner.
4pm-6pm Saturday, 3/8/08, New Delhi YMCA: Let's reserve this time for
what does not get done Friday

I have the following Agenda for this meeting - please reply if you
have other things that should be discussed.

Agenda for ISCASA Meeting: Tentative Moderator - Tova Fuller, NSR - US
(anyone else want to help?)

* Roll Call of attendees at IPPNW Conference
* Discussion of projects in attendees' countries
* One Bullet Stories
o US work - Jack Wang at Stanford University
o Current OBS's that are available (see below)
o New OBS's from other countries that are not yet online?
* Local work - this work may not inherently be international in
nature but may serve as a template for other chapters
o US - Philadelphia/Harrisburg work on lobbying against
handguns & the Race for Arms
o Other countries/regions of interest
+ Nigeria
+ Sudan
+ New Zealand
+ Australia
+ Ecuador
+ El Salvador
+ Nicaragua
+ Others?
* Future directions
o Reach consensus on a mission statement
o Establish a rough draft of a Strategic Plan for 2008
+ Regional Conferences?
+ OBS's
# where and when
# How we will share them
# How they will be used - traveling exhibition?
+ What resources need to be developed?
* Organizational details
o Where to store OBS's - on IPPNW's Aiming for Prevention
o Google group
o Format and dates for future conference calls
+ What technology suits all of us?
+ How often should we have conference calls?
+ Establish date for next conference call
* Miscellaneous
o Specific challenges & opportunities to different regions
and countries
+ $
# What is money needed for
# What funding opportunities have been tapped
successfully / unsuccessfully
+ Time
# Who needs to do what?
+ Specific Target Regions?
# Africa
# Latin America
# Urban centers in the global north

Tova Fuller

Feb 27, 2008, 1:34:15 PM2/27/08
to International Student Coalition to Abolish Small Arms
The report I have assembled is currently incomplete, but is visible
online here:

Please let me know if you would like to have your work added to this,
if I have omitted it.

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