Possession of CDS, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Tampering with Evidence, Hindering Apprehension/Prosecution

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Lt. Robert Osborn

Aug 12, 2019, 2:38:43 PM8/12/19
to Newton Police Department (NJ) Public Information

On 8/9/19 at 7:20p.m., Newton Patrols responded to the rear parking lot of 70 West End Avenue (Newtonian Gardens) for a report of a dispute between a male and female involving suspected C.D.S. 


Upon arrival, patrols identified the male suspect as Robert Petty, age 47 of Newton.  Investigation revealed that Petty was observed to be taking an unknown item(s) from his pocket and pushing it into a bush.  Items in question were subsequently identified as twelve (12) wax folds of suspected heroin in addition to a plastic straw (commonly used to ingest C.D.S.) with residue observed. 


As a result, Petty was taken into custody, processed and charged with the following offenses:


N.J.S.  2C: 35-10A(1) - Possession, Use or Being Under the Influence, or Failure to Make Lawful Disposition of CDS  (3rd Degree)

N.J.S. 2C:36-2 - Possession of Drug Paraphrenalia (Disorderly Persons)

N.J.S. 2C:28-6(1) - Tampering with or Fabricating Physical evidence (4th Degree)

N.J.S. 2C:29-3B(1) - Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution (4th Degree)


Petty was lodged at the Sussex County Jail.


Officers Involved:

Patrolman Edward Sperling

Patrolman Russel Post

Patrolman Michael Wolanski


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