Motor Vehicle Accident - DWI Arrest

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Lt. Robert Osborn

Jul 22, 2019, 3:17:13 PM7/22/19
to Newton Police Department (NJ) Public Information

On 7/20/19 at 10:36p.m., Newton Police received a 9-1-1 call reporting a motor vehicle accident with a possible intoxicated driver at the intersection of Trinity Street and Moran Street.

Upon arrival, investigation revealed that a 2000 Ford Focus being operated by Megan Sheplak, age 35, of Newton was stopped at the red traffic signal on Moran Street (facing Southbound) when her vehicle was struck by a 2016 white BMW 428 which was being driven by Tammy Hyatt, age 56, also of Newton.  Hyatt was reportedly turning right onto Moran Street from Trinity Street (westbound) and failed to negotiate the turn properly.

Subsequently, Hyatt was arrested for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence.

Hyatt was processed and released and served with the following summonses pending a 7/30/19 appearance in Newton Municipal Court:

39:4- 50   Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence

39:4-97    Careless Driving

39:4-82    Failure to Keep Right

Neither driver was injured in the accident.


Investigating Officers:

Ptl. Russell Post, Ptl. John Flanagan, Ptl. Steven Kneidl and Sgt. Thomas Tosti


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