netflix can kiss my.......
unread,Feb 28, 2011, 8:04:37 PM2/28/11Sign in to reply to author
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to Netflix Complaints
on their website, they stated you will not be charged for the 1st
month of service. I looked at my charge card on the same day, they
charged me three times in the amount of 10.99 each time, and on my
monthly billing statement they showed charging me for the 1st month. I
called quite angrily when I saw they had violated their rules/
contract..they messed up my account and email on purpose and charged
me again. I had to call them back three times to have the service
reconnected. Each and every time they said they would take care of the
billing issues and they lied, they just billed me again. They aalso
went in to my netflix account and altered my email and pass word so
that i could not access it. I feel they did all of this because I
called and was mad because they started charging my account and credit
card.this all happened between 2/27/2011 and 02/28/2011. I have copies
of all the issues saved from the internet. I am concerned if i contact
them again with my complaint, they will do further damage to my
computer and place additional charges on my credit card.