Web 2.0 is facilitating change. Some of these changes are the way
people connect, reach out, and stay connected with others. Whether you
are in business, teaching, development, research, or just want to
experiment, you can have your own space in the web. We all have things
worth sharing, experiences, stories, anecdotes which can enlighten or
brighten up other peoples' lives, things that can be useful to others.
This is the spirit which moves Connecting Online .... connecting,
sharing, reaching out... sharing what you know, what you would like to
know, and how you use technology for personal and professional
reasons. How will we do this? Through CO09 Ning space, you can post in
a personal blog, upload material (videos, photos, articles) to share,
get in touch with other members, ask questions, get help .... and
whatever else you can think of... remember the main goal of Connecting
Online is to connect in order to share!
Another tool the members will be using is WiZiQ. Check the main page
regularly for <a href="
online events</a> scheduled throughout the month until the conference
for members to become familiar with the features of WiZiQ. Whether you
are making a live presentation or not, this might be a great
experience to get a feel of what a live online room can offer.
Still having doubts? The featured members on the main page are your
buddies. Contact them and they'll gladly get back to you.
Join me and other educators and connect online to share and learn with
and from others at
Warm wishes,
Nellie Deutsch