function oeMessage.GetBodyHandle(0,
OESTORE.tagOEAPIBODYLOCATION.OE_IBL_ROOT) returns always 0 in windows
On 21 Ιούλ, 17:10, Nektra OEAPI Support <>
> : Hi again,
> Yes, you can use theOEMessage::SetBodyPropor theOEMessage::SetBodyPropByNamefunctions.
> To use this functions to change the root body's properties of the message you should first get the root body's handle using theOEMessage::GetBodyHandlefunction like this:
> int bodyHandle = oeMessage.GetBodyHandle(0, OESTORE.tagOEAPIBODYLOCATION.OE_IBL_ROOT)
> After you have finished making modifications to a message you should call to theOEMessage::Commitmethod to save the changes, otherwise changes do not take effect.