Re: Displacement in Progress! Eight arrested.

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Yeela Raanan

Jul 31, 2016, 8:22:24 AM7/31/16
to negevbedouin, negevbedouin
As these words are being written, Israeli officials, with the backing of police, violence and tractors are delineating the Jewish settlement of Hiran - right over the homes of the Bedouin villagers of Um el Hiran.

We have become accustomed to the Israeli Government rhetoric saying that it cannot provide for "every home on every hilltop" the infrastructure needed - so the Bedouin villagers must move into towns. 

We have become accustomed to the Israeli Government rhetoric saying that this piece of land or another cannot be utilized for settlement because it is needed for this military use or another, and therefore the Bedouin villagers must be displaced. 

But today we are experiencing new heights in the government's displacement policies, as it starts to erase a large Bedouin village, only to build on its ruins a small Jewish settlement. And yes, we are discussing citizens of Israel: displacing one ethnicity to allow the other to settle in its place. 

​ village people stopping the tractor from entering the yard of a village family.

Eight were arrested, including Rabbi Arik Asherman from RHR, Salim Abu-Alqian, the village leader, four children and two young people. 

watch the violence: 

Please do not stand by! 
Contact your representative and ask him to demand answers from the Israeli Government.
Contact the Israeli Ambassador in your country and demand answers. 

The government of Israel has crossed all possible red lines in its actions. There are no acceptable explanations for such a racist decision. 

This is added to other injustices that have been done by the authorities towards the residents of the unrecognized villages over the last several days:

In the unrecognized village of El Araqib last week the police accompanied the tractors as they came to prepare the land for tree planting - instead of the homes of the villagers. Eight were arrested. they were later released. 

In the unrecognized village of Khashem Zaneh, the bulldozers came to demolish the home of a single mom, who was living in her hut with her 10 children. The mother closed herself in her home and was ready to put herself and her home on fire if her home was demolished and she and her 10 children would become homeless. The home was not demolished, but the authorities have threatened that they will be back soon to demolish the home...

For more information: Dr. Yeela Raanan, Advocacy Officer, RCUV. 

Yeela Raanan
p:054-7487005 | | a:PO Box 43, Kissufim
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