Blog post- Google Print halted

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Aug 13, 2005, 11:07:55 PM8/13/05
to Negative Logic
Google announced that they would halt scanning for Google Print.
Staying true to their mission statement, Google has moved from
organizing web content to actual books. Currently Google's crawlers
will index a site unless the webmaster tells the crawler not to. Its an
opt-out system not a opt-in system as many people think it should be.
The plan for Google Print is to have an opt-out system, although this
doesn't sit while with many people. Google has promised not to scan any
in copyright books until this November. According to them this will
allow publishers plenty of time to opt-out. So if Google does come
across the book, they will not scan it. Google plans to scan whole

For years Google has been caching web pages with out the authors actual
consent. As mentioned earlier it's an opt-out system. It doesn't matter
if the information is copy righted, they still do it. Its kind of like
they are free to break copyright laws until someone stops them. Google
helps most sites more then they could imagine, buts its defiantly
something to think about. Google plans to help a lot of author's work
get discovered but many publishers don't like the idea of an opt-out
system. Some say the battle will end up in court. I'm no expert but I
think Google has the weaker of the two arguments. Lets say the a court
date is set and lets pretend Google loses, this could change a lot.
Would they still continue caching web pages? Google would assumable
profit from text ads and "buy this book" links. Maybe share some of
this money with the authors/publishers of the books? Who knows how
Google will work this out.

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