[Negative Logic] Katrina brings out the worst and best in people

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Sep 4, 2005, 8:21:18 PM9/4/05
to Negativ...@googlegroups.com
Katrina scams are starting to hit the internet at an amazing rate. These scammers are simply the lowest life forms we have on this planet at this time. They are taking money from people who think it's going to help the relief effort. The money will not go to the relief effort but straight into the scammer’s filthy pockets. There is only one way to stop these fraudulent attacks, make sure you donate to well known charities and organizations! There are reports of Katrina related emails being sent out enticing people to click links; in turn infecting computers through an Internet Explorer exploit. With attacks like this floating around be VERY careful what gets clicked or downloaded in Katrina related emails. Legitimate charities will not send out emails asking for donations. It doesn’t stop at the internet either, be very concerned if someone contacts you via phone asking for donations. It’s always best if you make the contact as opposed to them calling you.

Now to good side of this post. The website katrina.com has been owned by a web designer for years. She found that a lot of people who didn’t know about search engines found there way to her site looking for information. Not only did she turn down a 5 thousand dollar offer on the domain but she turned it into an online resource for victims and people looking to help. This might not seem like much, but it is. She did something that will help the greater good when she could have made a profit. We need more people like her on this earth, that’s for sure.

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Posted by KAS to Negative Logic at 9/04/2005 05:19:51 PM
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