can you get this working on slugOS LE ?

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May 22, 2008, 6:43:11 AM5/22/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
>can you get this working on slugOS LE ?


May 22, 2008, 5:42:57 PM5/22/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
I compile natively on the Slug with a debian distribution, so,
unfortunately, no I cannot. We could try to set yours up to compile on
slugOS LE, but be prepared for 10 hours of watching it compile.


May 23, 2008, 12:46:21 PM5/23/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
oh, I don't have slugOS installed at the moment.

I am running debianslug, but want to go back, since debianslug is very
very slow, I get max of 3mb/s when trasffering files over smb (and
usually much slower), via 4.5 on slugOS.


May 23, 2008, 1:01:35 PM5/23/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
also, i can't get it to run with my debianSlug, i get a :
rtorrent: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found
(required by rtorrent)

i do have /usr/lib/


May 24, 2008, 2:48:46 AM5/24/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
I use the 'lenny' distribution with the latest updates to compile.
There are some updates for the libraries that you have not applied yet
or you are on the 'etch' distribution.

Daniel Brnak

Jun 4, 2008, 2:14:34 PM6/4/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
what are steps, do you use to compile?
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Jun 4, 2008, 4:05:22 PM6/4/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
Most of it is documented on the following link :

You need to get the pre-requisites for the compile :

bc, libsigc++-2.0-dev, libsigc++-2.0-0c2a, libncurses5-dev, build-
essential, libsigc++-2.0-dev, pkg-config, comerr-dev, libcurl3-
dev, libidn11-dev, libkadm55, libkrb5-dev, libssl-dev, zlib1g-dev,
libncurses5, libncurses5-dev, libtool, automake, svn-arch-mirror,
libxmlrpc-c3-dev, libwww-dev, libxmlrpc-c3, libwww.

(maybe some are even missing, the distributions might have different

I use scripts to do the compile, first I get all the code :

rm -rf rtorrent
rm -rf libtorrent
rm -rf xmlrpc-c
svn co svn://
svn co svn://
svn checkout $REPOS xmlrpc-c

You have 3 dirs now, libtorrent, rtorrent and xmlrpc-c. First build
xmlrpc-c, cd to the dir and execute ./configure. After a succesful
configure, run 'make all'. This will create the libs and the utils
like the client. When I do a 'make install' it creates the libs in /
usr/local/lib, where I move them to /usr/bin. If you want to use
xmlrpc-c localy, you need the client. It is in the 'tools/xmlrpc dir I
think, cannot check because it is not compiled at my slug now. Do a ls
-l /usr/bin/xmlrpc* and you will see which executables there are in
the standard install.

Now go to the dir where libtorrent is downloaded.

export CXXFLAGS="-O2 -mcpu=xscale -mtune=xscale"
./configure --disable-debug
make install

Now go to the dir where rtorrent is downloaded.

export CXXFLAGS="-O2 -mcpu=xscale -mtune=xscale"
./configure --disable-debug --with-xmlrpc-c
make install

You will have* in /usr/local/lib and rtorrent in /usr/
local/bin in my install. Move them to the correct places on your
filesystem (/usr/lib for libtorrent and /usr/bin for rtorrent).


Jun 4, 2008, 5:00:19 PM6/4/08
to NSLU2-rtorrent
Oh, you need to move the files/dirs in /usr/local/include to /usr/
include as well for xmlrpc-c :-) Nearly forgot. Be aware that the dirs
may be specific for your distribution, you have to check if the paths
to execs, libs and includes are equal to your distribution and change
them when necessary.
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