Having glibc problems

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2009年7月23日 凌晨1:13:262009/7/23

I'm using SlugOS (lenny) and war running rtorrent 0.8.3 without a
problem, but then I tried to update to 0.8.4 and when I run the
program I get some dependency errors on libc.so.6, that say that
libtorrent needs GLIBC

I looked aal over the net and that's a "common" glibc error. I tried
to reinstall/update libc6, glibc, etc to no avail, later I found out
that lenny doesn't have previous versions of glibc (the ones
libtorrent says it needs are 2.0 thru 2.3.*. lenny has 2.4 and up, a
quick strings|grep on libc.so.6 game that data)

help, I'm running the apt version on my slug, and that's 0.7.9 with no


2009年8月9日 下午2:01:032009/8/9

On Jul 23, 7:13 am, Lusanagi <lusan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm using SlugOS (lenny) and war running rtorrent 0.8.3 without a
> problem, but then I tried to update to 0.8.4 and when I run the
> program I get some dependency errors on libc.so.6, that say that
> libtorrent needs GLIBC

There are 2 versions of Lenny. The normal version and the 'armel'
version. It depends on whether you upgraded from the previous version
or installed the armel version. There are issues with backward
compatibility for the supported libc versions. Currently I am
compiling against the armel version of lenny, but I have not posted
the latest versions since there is a solution to download the latest
version of rtorrent by using apt-get. It is described in one of the

> I looked aal over the net and that's a "common" glibc error. I tried
> to reinstall/update libc6, glibc, etc to no avail, later I found out
> that lenny doesn't have previous versions of glibc (the ones
> libtorrent says it needs are 2.0 thru 2.3.*. lenny has 2.4 and up, a
> quick strings|grep on libc.so.6 game that data)
> help, I'm running the apt version on my slug, and that's 0.7.9 with no
> DHT!

Search the posts, there is posibility to install a newer version from
a test source. There are armel compiled binairies in the file download
area that can be used to replace binairies that lenny gave you, but
some users have reported problems with that scenario (which I have not
been able to reproduce and I cannot find what they did differently).
The binairies indicate if they are compiled with the armel version.


2009年8月9日 下午4:40:592009/8/9
See http://groups.google.com/group/NSLU2-rtorrent/msg/fd0e3c472f0b8e8b
where the install option is explained from 'Experimental'


2009年8月11日 晚上10:10:142009/8/11
forgot to say I'm using the armel version
I haven't tried to install the testing version of rtorrent and then
install the compiled binaries, but before I got this errors 0.8.3
armel was working flawlessly


2009年8月16日 上午8:31:292009/8/16

On Aug 12, 4:10 am, Lusanagi <lusan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> forgot to say I'm using the armel version
> I haven't tried to install the testing version of rtorrent and then
> install the compiled binaries, but before I got this errors 0.8.3
> armel was working flawlessly
I regularly upgrade my packages and there was an update for libc I
think. I always perform apt-get update / upgrade before I compile, so
you might need to update the distribution to get the correct libc
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