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Mystical Realms Newsletter for February, 2015

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Jef Murray

Feb 9, 2015, 11:23:24 AM2/9/15




And welcome to my newsletter for December, 2014! Please feel free to forward this to anyone whom you believe might be interested in keeping up with me! To receive these newsletters regularly, drop me an email or subscribe online from my website ( ) or at: .



Pitchers ===============



•      I’ve added 2 new painting images to my website at . These include Ulmo Rises, and Old Man Willow. The first of these can be found in my Middle-earth -> The First Age gallery; the second can be found in my Middle-earth -> The Third Age -> Lord of the Rings gallery. You can also find them all by going directly to and clicking on the “Newest Works->Paintings” link at the top, left.


•      In addition to the above, I’ve added 12 new sketch images to my website. These can be found in the Middle-earth Sketches, Narnia Sketches, Fairy Tale Sketches, and Soul & Spirit Sketches galleries, or you can see them all by clicking on the “Newest Works->Sketches link at the top left of my website.


•      “Seer: A Wizard’s Journal” 2nd Edition is now available! Plus, there are bundles of items that include many of the new color illustrations that you can purchase with the book (mugs, bookmarks, art cards, Christmas ornaments, etc.)! To see what’s available and to order yours, see:


•      The 2015 Fantastical Beasts & Beings Calendar is still available! To learn more and to purchase your copy, you can go to my website and click on the Fantastical Beasts Calendar image on the front page slider, or go directly to the following link:




Prospects ===================


•      EWTN’s Tolkien special on the Catholicity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” is now out on DVD! You can find it here:



Ponderings ==============


 For those of you who enjoyed reading “Seer”, and for everyone that enjoys epic fantasy tales, I am posting a new serial saga online that includes characters you already know from “Seer”, as well as many new ones. Ant there are ten episodes already online!


The series, entitled “The Framerunners: In the Company of Angels”, can be seen at This series is for young adults and for the young at heart. If you or others you know loved The Hobbit and the Chronicles of Narnia, please come and follow the adventures of Jill, Sam, Luke, and Polydora!


To get started, you can go to, or to read the first episode (links to subsequent episodes are at the bottom of each page) go to:

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