will anyone ski on Jan 15 or 16?

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Sarah Goodlin

Jan 9, 2023, 10:27:04 PM1/9/23
to Mountain High Snowsport Club
Hi- I'm new to the club, and have all new equipment I'd like to try out. I just reviewed the weather forecast and want to avoid rain! Sunday or Monday look OK. Please let me know if you'll be at Timberline or Meadows. thanks, Sarah

Emilio Trampuz

Jan 10, 2023, 12:20:49 AM1/10/23
to mth...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sarah,

I would love to join you at Timberline, but I am currently without a car. Long story. I wrecked my Subaru Outback on a solo ski trip to the far north of Canada.  I am now searching for a replacement car to buy.  I will hopefully be ready to resume skiing in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, there are several other club members who regularly ski at Timberline and/or Skibowl.  I hope some of them will respond.

(the club's newsletter editor)

On 1/9/2023 7:27 PM, Sarah Goodlin wrote:
Hi- I'm new to the club, and have all new equipment I'd like to try out. I just reviewed the weather forecast and want to avoid rain! Sunday or Monday look OK. Please let me know if you'll be at Timberline or Meadows. thanks, Sarah
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Glenn D

Jan 10, 2023, 7:30:23 PM1/10/23
to mth...@googlegroups.com
Hello Sarah and Emilio,

I won't be up this weekend but I'm planning on skiing at Timberline during the weekend of Jan 21+22. If that works for others?

Sorry to hear about your car crash Emilio, hope your ok?


Emilio Trampuz

Jan 10, 2023, 9:32:26 PM1/10/23
to mth...@googlegroups.com
Hi Glenn,
I am OK.  Not even a bruise on me.  The car took the brunt of the force.

Normally, I would say absolutely YES, let's go skiing the weekend of Jan. 21/22.  But my main problem right now is finding a car to buy.  All those that I am interested in seem to be in high demand and are either not available at this time, or they sell with a $10,000 mark up because they are in such demand.  I am not sure what to do.  But I can't make any plans until I get a car.  I am really bummed about this!

I did have a great time on my Canada road trip, where I skied at 7 different ski areas (3 in British Columbia and 4 in Alberta). Fortunately, the car accident happened on my way home at the tail end of the trip, so I didn't miss any ski areas.  I visited all the ones that I had planned to visit.

I hope others can join you at Timberline.  I'll chime in if I cvan get a car before then.


B Brady

Jan 10, 2023, 11:09:14 PM1/10/23
to mth...@googlegroups.com
     I am so sorry to read about your misfortune. I am glad that you are physically OK, but it is a nuisance not to have a car at a time, like you say, when it is so difficult to get one. Maybe the "recession" will ease up the supply shortage? 
    I am thankful you were able to hit all of your planned ski areas!
Barbara Brady

On Jan 10, 2023, at 4:32 PM, Emilio Trampuz <Emili...@earthlink.net> wrote:

 Hi Glenn,

Jim Konieczny

Jan 16, 2023, 9:25:51 AM1/16/23
to mth...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sarah my name is Jim konieczny.   I am a new member of mt high snow sports too       I am heading to timberline lodge to ski this morning  Monday January 16.  It will be my first time this year so I need to get my tix and an parking pass so am a little slow to get going  but should be there by around 8:30 My phone number is 503-509-7122 since not sure if I get email up there . Enjoy jim

On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 7:27 PM Sarah Goodlin <sarahg...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi- I'm new to the club, and have all new equipment I'd like to try out. I just reviewed the weather forecast and want to avoid rain! Sunday or Monday look OK. Please let me know if you'll be at Timberline or Meadows. thanks, Sarah

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