The art of journaling as you travel

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John Mayson

Sep 26, 2008, 11:27:50 PM9/26/08
to Moleskinerie

"Travel can make you a poet. Travel can be spiritual. You meet people
on the road you'd never meet otherwise. Traveling rearranges your
cultural furniture; challenging truths you assumed were self-evident
and God-given. By traveling, you learn not only about the people and
places you visit -- you learn about yourself."

John Mayson <>
Austin, Texas, USA


Oct 2, 2008, 3:43:14 AM10/2/08
to Moleskinerie
How very true!

He also says "The key to good journaling is being both observant and
And this is were I fall behind very often. On our last trip to
Scotland with friends, I found it very difficult to find the time
to fill the empty pages, so many things to do and people to meet .....
and at the end of the day, tiredness overcame me ....


Chaim Dauermann

Oct 2, 2008, 1:10:32 PM10/2/08
I find this to be true for myself as well.  However, to counteract this I try to write at least a few sentences a day, even if I don't find the time to complete a thought or work through an idea.  It makes it easier to come back to the book when I do get time if I've been consistently keeping up with journaling in some small way.  It relieves the pressure to write profoundly after a long drought.

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