Mistletoe survey in Norfolk

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Jul 15, 2008, 2:40:39 PM7/15/08
to Mistletoe Matters
Hi All

Have been out with the Norfolk wild life trust this week, helping them
to find some of the 17 or 18 sightings of mistletoe that people had
sent in for this years survey of mistletoe in Norfolk.

We have had no luck as yet, as with some of the other sightings, some
were old rooks, or crows nests, others were in horse chestnut, false
acacia, or poplar trees, ivy, or tight bunchers of leaves, ect. But
they have found some growing in a Turkey oak.
But we shall go back in the winter to check on the three or four oak
trees that more than one person said they had seen mistletoe growing

Rod Chapman.
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