An interesting hosts list, and good to hear from you. The Mistletoe
Matters Group has been somewhat neglected recently - perhaps we can
breathe some life into it - I have mistletoe news from London, Tenbury
and home that I should be posting - will do something about it soon.
Thinking about your unusual records - mistletoe on Cotoneaster is
rarish but not unknown - there are a few over here in Glos -but they
seem particularly vulnerable to being weeded out (we've lost a couple
in recent years), not sure why! Medlar specimens are another good
rarity, though it's obviously a very suitable host, and so maybe the
rarity is largely because medlar itself is so uncommon. Prunus
records are always interesting - as mistletoe really doesn't seem to
like Prunus very much.
I have no immediate thoughts on the Lonicera record - never heard of
it on that (but must check the national database), so will be
interesting to hear about what you found on your visit!
Happy Easter!
Jonathan Briggs