What An Extraordinary Community, An Inconvenient truth, and Your & Our Lives

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Oct 6, 2022, 3:03:17 AM10/6/22
to Mariposa Group Network

The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community

What An Extraordinary Community, An Inconvenient truth, and Your & Our Lives

A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"

  Be part of a community of people who are moving beyond Fear, Scarcity, and Competition
into an environment based upon "TRUTH & LOVE".
Accelerate your own Personal Happiness & Joy,
while also contributing to the world.

"Is this some fantasy?  Really...give me a break !!"  .. you might say.
YET, let's check history and human/social movement 'upward'.

1776  We left Monarchy behind and started something called Democracy.
          (Anyone really want to go back to 'The King Rules' ?)

1865   We moved past slavery into the start of freedom for blacks... and all races.
           Civil War ends.  (Who would now dare to stand on the street corner and shout "Blacks should be slaves"?!)

1920   Women get the right to vote.
            (Anyone really want to stand up and proclaim that a woman "place" is in the kitchen & bedroom, and with the
             children.  She has no right or need to vote.  ??)

           Up until the 1980's and past it, BIG Tobacco ruled "the Hill" [the U.S. Congress and its members.]
In 1998 to 2006, it came to an end.  (After millions upon millions of people died horrible deaths due to heart and lung disease.)
In 1998, 52 state and territory attorneys general signed the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) with the four largest tobacco companies in the U.S. to settle dozens of state lawsuits brought to recover billions of dollars in health care costs associated with treating smoking-related illnesses.
    In 2006, the American Cancer Society and other plaintiffs won a major court case against Big Tobacco. Judge Gladys Kessler found tobacco companies guilty of lying to the American public about the deadly effects of cigarettes and secondhand smoke.

        So what about our current social / relationship happiness .... or not.  Is the 'nuclear family' of one man and one woman, with 2 or 3 kids .... really the very best social way for us to live ?  What about the tremendous isolation so many are increasingly experiencing?  Whats happening to the increasing 'challenges' our children are experiencing?    Have we been given another LIE !?

Statistical Science on current "Relationship Happiness" in the USA.

Here is one woman's note on the need for creating other forms of "relationship":

"The American myth of love and marriage is a recipe for emotional disaster.  We still pay lip service to the notion that young people will fall in love and meet each other’s physical and emotional needs for the rest of their lives. That’s obviously ridiculous, but we have no other model of a “good” relationship."  
                          ---  Sirenita     
Relationships:  Do We Need Another Model?

        Regarding marriage relationship "happiness",  a study on marriage success done by Lee Lillard, Ph.D. at the Santa Monica, California "think tank", The RAND Corporation in the late 1990's; found that out of 6 typical marriages in the U.S., 3 ended in divorce (no big news there), but of the remaining 3, only 1 rated itself (by both man and woman) as "happy".   Overall result:   approximately only 1 out of 6 marriages could be seen as being happy.  Not too encouraging.

     In 2010, from the Pew Research Foundation:  41% of young Americans believe that marriage is becoming 'obsolete".  In just the one year of 2010 the percentage of married couples is down 5%.  Now, in 2010, only 51% of American couples are married and the trend line is down.

YES ... there is emerging a new 'step upward' in social evolution for us !!
Are you one of the few
(always only a few at the beginning) ready to take the step?

See below.  71%....


        What An Extraordinary Community !  How did this come about?  It comes about by some rather extraordinary people gathering together around both a desire for "Real" community, real in-depth supportive connection and the insight that regardless of whether you & I try to form 'community' around some external value system; whether that is 'Global Warming & planetary ecology', or 'Gay Rights', or a 'Back to Nature' philosophy', or anything else external to us; our community efforts will likely either fail or be rather mundane.  We need truly solid, in-depth and supportive friendships among the members.  Having common external goals and simply being in "community" together doesn't begin to guarantee success.  Invariably personal "differences" and/or lack of real individual development (those still prone to drama or lacking in problem solving skills), will come up with the result being chaos, hurt feelings and both the community and the external goal being sabotaged.

        Our community aims for real success from the very beginning.   One of the pics above says it clearly as a beginning.

5 types of People to Surround Yourself with

The Inspired.
The Motivated.
The Open Minded.
The Passionate.
The Grateful.

  and "simply"

        Those who are financially solid, committed to "Love & Truth" among us, and have learned how to communicate clearly, fully, with complete integrity; and seek to live life in Joy.  The normal human challenge areas of 'Money, Sex, and Power' no longer bother them  They are those who have already pretty well moved past "MSP" and their hearts are open to both receive and give more energy/love.  They are naturally committed to continuing, Lifetime-Learning.

        The Mariposa Group  is founded on a tremendous understanding of what can be possible for human beings living together in love. The Mariposa Group creates an environment for opening our hearts to deep tenderness and beauty, for each of us to be seen, heard and honored. When we look into one another's hearts and see the essential goodness that is there, something opens in our own hearts and we feel more connected.

        Knowing yourself deeply provides a confidence for walking in the world, and for having truly functional relationships. Valuing each human being—including yourself and everyone in your life—creates the foundation for a thriving and healthy community.

An Inconvenient Truth   (1 in 100 ?)

Many Americans grew up in troubled homes: CDC study   (4 minute Read)
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Almost 60 percent of Americans surveyed say they suffered at least one form of physical or emotional abuse or other adversity in their childhoods, raising the risk of later health problems and early death, U.S. government researchers said on Thursday.
71% of the American public are financially unhealthy. 

        The inconvenient Truth is that although almost all need 'community' and many actively desire it, many are not ready to participate in this type of "Real" community; either through psychological / emotional damage and/or dire financial straits.  Some will be outraged at this.  They have the idea that somehow "Community should be able to take any and all into its bosom."  And it doesn't work in reality.  "Can't pay his/her bills" or "S/he is a drama person." or "We tried creating community... and yet almost everyone went back to the isolated nuclear family!"   is an all too often complaint, unless we choose wisely.  

        And we do choose wisely.
The Inspired. The Motivated. The Open Minded. The Passionate. The Grateful.  and "simply"; those who are financially solid, committed to "Love & Truth" among us, and have learned how to communicate clearly, fully, with complete integrity; and seek to live life in Joy.  The normal human challenge areas of 'Money, Sex, and Power' no longer bother them  They are those who have already pretty well moved past "MSP" and their hearts are open to both receive and give more energy/love.   Their minds are open to continuing to learn and share.

        The reality is that this is only about 1 in 50 people.  Some would say 1 in 100.  Yet the current rapids of change in both our day-to-day reality and world reality, is enough that the pressure created is such that more and more are opening their hearts and minds to "There has to be something better than this !!" And the shift is indeed happening.   The semi-dark humor would say "The shift has hit the fan."  If you are one of those "1 in 100", then with truly open minds and hearts, we welcome your exploration with us.  We welcome your co-creative contribution. 

This can be....

A Path to take you from an emptiness
that can't be filled, to a
fullness that can't be contained

A Radiance of Love,

The Mariposa Group

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.
The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world
that no longer exists."
                                           Eric Hoffer

"Real" Community

"Creating a Culture that works"

In A Very Natural / Nature Based Environment !!

True Financial Security, Deep Interpersonal Friendship & Comfort,
A Pleasing Inquiry into living Life fully, Sustainably, Psychologically Healthy & Successfully
done right now, here on earth...  with Fun & Play !
I invite you to explore this with us.

The Mariposa Group


Once we learn to live together, we cannot live alone.
Real community.... our natural 'social ecology' !!

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