Women Examples of The New Human & Community Creation

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Nov 11, 2022, 12:28:50 AM11/11/22
to Mariposa Group Network
The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community

A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"
  Be part of a community of people who are moving beyond Fear, Scarcity, and Competition
into an environment based upon "TRUTH & LOVE".
Accelerate your own Personal Happiness & Joy,
while also contributing to the world.

Women Examples of The New Human & Community Creation

Out of "The Barless Cage":
Anishia,  39,   south Texas

Hello Eric!
      So nice to meet you. Wow. Im thoroughly impressed I too bought a piece of land paid off and building an intentional community/retreat in Texas. I'm actually building my house myself as well. I designed the floor plan, finished the framing, just finished the electrical two days ago and now drywalling the kitchen today. Then installing the kitchen cabinets . Whew. What a lesson in perseverance, patience, self-reliance and emotional control! I saw written in your bio that you built your house as well and that's amazing! Thank you fir the link on IC. I actually met Claudia and was planning on hiring her abd joining IC for help with community placement once I've completed more of my project. Yours sounds beautiful. It's refreshing to meet someone with similar vision. My specialty is trauma and ptsd work so I'm gearing the workshops and retreat portion of my project more toward healing to assist in pulling people out of the barless cage theyve placed themselves in. The community aspect is geared toward permaculture and fellow practitioners and those doing the Great Work ...a spiritually focused organic agrihood.
When did you start your project? What inspired you to venture into community living? What is your favorite and least appealing aspect of living in a community setting?


Anishia presenting herself.

      Hello. I figured I'd try this site in the hopes of meeting someone like minded. I consider myself a very conscious individual I meditate daily, eat a mostly raw food diet, spend most of my time meditating and reading books. Im definitely a prepper and interested in off grid living. I have a farm I'm just getting off the ground...permaculture and food forest project. I enjoy a wide variety of outdoor activities when the weather allows such as kayaking, skiing, hiking, camping etc but most of my time is spent at home reading/studying or growing some type of plants
I do have many psychic abilities/gifts that I use to help others. I have all the clairs and many other abilities as well. I'm a reiki master, quantum energy healer, psychic, medium, psychopomp (shaman), spiritual coach etc.

      I have a very wide range of interests from astrophysics and quantum physics to chakras and all occult esoteric knowledge. I also do personal study in the field of Anthroposophy, Theology, Theosophy, history, quantum physics, particle physics, alchemy and archaeology. My life at present revolves around farming and permaculture as well as my clients so I'd love to meet a logical, caring, intellectual, spiritual, philosophical man that also has an interest in homesteading and gardening. Someone who is well aware of what is going on in this reality but it hasn't become his obsession bc that happens to a lot of people and they get stuck. Someone that does their inner work and understands the need to remove the programs and perceptions we have developed over our lifetime in order to affect change in the world.

A separate note:  All the entrees here today are from women.  It seems that they are much more
active in creating community efforts.   I did recently receive one inquiry from a 40 year old man.
Unfortunately he was one of those who had no way of supporting himself in community and hoped
the community would magically take care of that for him.   Doesn't work.   ---- Eric

Anna    40  Single mom,  Idaho presently.    "We are the antidote."
        The kind of community I want includes relationships that go deep, vulnerability and commitment to building a
        new model of living in service of life, truth, health, love and freedom.
 The book you reference in your newsletter is interesting on a variety of levels...      "The Power of Eight"
 This number 8 keeps popping up recently.

 I connected with a friend last year in a very synchromystic way, and to make a long, winding story shorter, he loaned me this book. Turns out that for years he worked with a spiritual group who practiced a specific kind of meditation, taught to them by one of the women who wrote this book. I read it and it has had a profound impact on my meditation practice.

 Another relevant reference, is this movement called Freedom Cells, which are based on a model of small groups of 8 building relationship, agorist community, self-sufficiency and mutual aid systems. Eight has been shown to be the best number of people to get stuff done efficiently.

 Not to mention that the number 8 hold quite a lot of significance in occult and magic practices!

 Speaking of community, back in 2020 I gave this short webinar/presentation on the importance of creating small groups and networks for community resilience. It kind of gives you an idea of what I've been working on for past several years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac_Yh609a4M I sent it out to my friends, family, social media network. Having gone through several major forest fires, a flood and rolling power black outs for days at a time and then a pandemic... all within 3 years time, we had some opportunity to put these ideas into practice. There were groups of 3-6 families meeting weekly or bi-weekly by geographic location, and then all the groups would gather together monthly for potluck, networking and fellowship. I also organized regular emergency prep meetings for neighbors on my street to get to know each other and identify who has what needs and what supplies and what skills.

 Community can look like a lot of different things. It can be building relationship with people in your neighborhood. For some people, community is just knowing there is someone you can call on for help in a bind.  But the kind of community I want includes relationships that go deep, vulnerability and commitment to building a new model of living in service of life, truth, health, love and freedom.  The kind of community I want to be apart of is committed to consciously shifting away from transactional relationships, moving toward the creative potential of what we can build together. The people I want to be in community with share the impetus to create sovereignty: food, medicine, education, economic. The community I want to create share much of the same values as you outline in the Mariposa group.

   There are multiple configurations for how a community can organize themselves, but I think the most effective and powerful expression of that is multiple families sharing the same piece of land so that land maintenance and projects, childcare and child education, growing, harvesting and preparing food can be shared and individual tasks distributed to those most capable. Many hands make light(er) work and relational bonds are strengthened through shared experiences and tasks.

  I would like to be in a group committed to practicing non-violent communication, as well as ongoing spiritual and interpersonal development. Although diversity in expressions of spirituality may peacefully co-exist, there should be a foundational shared value system or worldview. A "mission/vision statement" and clear agreements are established early on and act as a guide for processes, decision-making and interactions with one another. There must be accountability, self-responsibility and also room to expand and examine what may not be working as you go along.

  A strong community sees its value as no greater than it's weakest parts and how supporting each individual to thrive benefits everyone. And so creating problem solving becomes a group effort, not just resting on one person's shoulders. This is radically different than just forming a "support network" where nuclear families maintain their structure yet share certain things. It is seeing one another's growth as intricately tied to our own. This only works if everyone is equally willing to participate in bringing whatever they can to benefit the whole group, not just to fortify themselves. It only works where there is a strong sense of self responsibility and responsibility to each other and the collective members. This kind of community does not form overnight and often different personality combinations make it somewhat of an experiment. We have to be willing to risk a bit, to discover a way of life we have not known before and perhaps a version of ourselves we have yet to meet (because undoubtably, embarking on the journey of living in community IS to be willing to change, to flex, to flow, to transform.)
    So that's a bit of my vision of community.

Elke,  55  
Berlin, Germany
"people who can tolerate the unknown"
Hello Eric,
   Thank you for your message and your kind words and great quotes.

    I looked up the "Extraordinary community", very interesting. In your profile you mention the 2nd Tier as described by Spiral Dynamics. Congrats if you are part of a community that functions by principles of the 2nd Tier. Not many people on this planet live on that level of consciousness. Actually, I just shared some info about Spiral Dynamics yesterday with a friend.
     Did you build that community? Do you live there? What is it like to live in a conscious community?
    Maybe I could be described as open minded and brave. I have certainly fallen through many grids, that's for sure :) So fear is almost completely gone...

I wish you a great rest of this day,

Elke's write up, presenting herself.

A free man is like a white cloud. A white cloud is a mystery; it is carried away by the wind, does not resist, does not fight, and hovers above all things. All dimensions and all directions belong to it. White clouds do not have a precise provenance and do not have a destination; their simple being at this moment is perfection. - Osho

If the future is to remain open and free, we need people who can tolerate the unknown, who will not need the support of completely worked out systems or traditional blueprints from the past. - Margaret Mead, World Future Society Member

The Truth Believed is a Lie. Live the Way, do not Follow It.

In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decision. - Carlos Castaneda

The way is run by desire, not by paces of feet.
That meek darkness be Thy mirror, and Thy whole remembrance.

... A thousand unfulfilled dreams, and the inertia of ten thousand lives which must be overcome. Overcoming one's self is the greatest battle waged by any disciple.

Attracted to the mysterious and mystical. Calibration and expansion of mental energies and frequencies. Transformation, discipline, devotion, integration, integrity, focus, single-mindedness. Zero point consciousness. Quantum entanglement.
Intrigued by hypnosis, telepathy, remote viewing, Kefitzat Haderech, deep trance identification and darkroom retreats (Mantak Chia) that bring the mind close to a NDE. Perception and interpretation and bending of reality.
Completely committed to growth, to awareness, to expansion. Led by the spirit, the wind, the innner voice, no matter where it takes me. Trust. Closeness. Connection.

I believe that life in the universe is not just an accident based on random processes, but that there's a supreme force guiding everything. Constant creation from nothingness.

Having studied and experimented with many currents and schools of thought, my most important teacher has been the irrevocable reality of silence and of death.

Interpreter and translator by trade, I have developed a rapid learning protocol for languages.

True intelligence is the ability to understand and associate facts in an interdependent relationship to each other. Knowing facts does not mean you are able to connect the dots between them.

The mind must free itself from all kinds of schools, religions, sects, beliefs, etc. All those cages are obstacles which render the mind incapable of thinking freely. It is necessary for the mind to become free of the illusions of this world and become a fine and marvelous instrument of the inner being. - Samael Aun Weor

Sharp as a razor blade, light as a feather, impenetrable as night, mighty as a thunderstorm

Thought is an electromagnetic field that attracts constructive elements to it.

Mutual trust is the firmest building block in human relationships. Without it, the whole structure comes down. Trustworthiness is a highly esteemed commodity. There's a time and place for everything. Let's take off our masks and be REAL.

For one human being to love another, that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. - Rainer Maria Rilke

What if someone came into another person's life and they were just magnetized to the individual in every way possible...? This is the intensity that should go with it, nothing less. Sacred alchemy.
Au-delà du bien et du mal,
Il existe un champ.
C'est là que je te retrouverai.

With the terrifying fire of love, we can transform ourselves into Gods in order to penetrate into the amphitheater of cosmic science with full majesty. - Samael Aun Weor

I'm not a fan of cold weather... at all, so I'm about to plan my next winter escape, probably to Bali/Indonesia. Would you like to come along?

Hello Eric,

Yes, I also came across the Mariposa Group when checking out the other website.

It is an awesome project. Congratulations to your effort & courage to build all the structures, must have been a process involving several years. I hope that great people will come eventually. It seems like people do not eveolve in groups, but individually, and are now looking for others who have reached the same level of consciousness somewhere else on the planet.

Very sorry, but do not count me in, as I have no intention of living in the US. I feel drawn to Asia and am looking for a way to spend some time there.

So I'm not sure if it makes sense to be part of the MariposaGroup network, as your goal ultimately is to have people on site. Or did I misunderstand that?              ***     
(Yes, a misunderstanding.  The MG network is to help all who have an interest in Loving, Honest, Intelligent, Caring community creation.  Whether in Texas, California, Germany or Malaysia. )

I might not be able to travel this winter, either. My Mom's health has deteriorated during the last months, and she might need me to take care of her more.

I hope you're not too disappointed. I'd be open to exchanging thoughts and insights if you're interested in that.



Stephanie  52  Outside of Houston   Single mom
I align with much I've read in your website
    Her presentation:
Hello -- I found your community via ic.org.

   Briefly -- i'm an herbalist, nutritionist, have been a reiki practitioner, work as parent/health/life coach, homeschooling my 10 year old son, wanting to find safety/security in some land ownership/shared - I've been looking to buy a small share or small plot or some other buy-in secure approach.
What is your "ownership" model -- what is the buy-in to belong? (land share, co-op etc)
I do see you have a full questionnaire and I will consider filling out.
Can you clarify the following for me? 
THANKS!! please call or email or text:

       Do you allow members to own a car that still uses fossil fuel? will this change?
to "no fossil fuel vehicles" -- as in, is that part of your membership requirement (obviously -- it's a goal to be sustainable and then there is dealing with the current world while transitioning)
-your page ic.org also states that your community is tobacco free and alcohol free (except in ceremony) -- does this mean NO vaping as well? and no weed/mj smoking (ie if using cannabis for health it would be via edibles etc so as not to "affect others outside self")

     I align with much I've read in your website and will read more -- and possibly see if I can come visit. 
Anything more you think is very pertinent (like, you don't have space for me right now...), then please get in touch sooner than later. THANK YOU!

Sylvia   62   Austin, Texas
    I agree with most of your ideas and goals
Good Morning Eric,

      I agree with most of your ideas and goals. I have found that this community minded spirit has become more and more obscure, especially since the iphone. First I noticed with the ipods. When they became popular I saw teenagers waiting for the school bus wearing their ipods and not talking to each other. It has gotten more apparent since the iphone. I think the covid lockdown brought people together realizing how much we need to be in a community. I have built several communities around me, first when I raised my children with their friends parents. Today, I belong to several 12 step communities and a very thriving church community, "The Church of Conscious Harmony" I am on a spiritual path to better understand and make peace with myself, removing the barriers to what keeps me from connecting with others in a positive way. I am also in the process of doing trauma therapy because of neglect and emotional abuse as a child and some traumatic events as a young adult. I also am working on grief and emotional abuse from a 26 year marriage which ended 5 years ago. So, I am still a work in progress. Several of my friends have talked about buying some land and creating a community where we each have a private small residence with a community center. It sounds like you have land and similar goals.

In short, I think your ideals and mine have an overlap which could be worth exploring.


        A short pointed departure (for just a moment) on our Culture: Long ago psychologists and other therapists came across an interesting insight. They would have "problem" children referred to them for therapy by the police, teachers, or parents. The child in "acting out" some problem would be brought in to the therapist to be "fixed". In working with the psychologist (particularly if the child was removed from his/her home environment during this time), very often there would be rapid improvement. Now of course the ''fixed" child would be returned home with high praise and expectation, only to find that often in short order he or she would be brought back in with problems again.

        The psychologists discovered the problem most often was not with the kid, but with the kid's family and the environment the family created. It was part of the birth source of Family Therapy.

        This analogy is being carried out now on and to another level; the level of the culture in which we live. It's hard to live a "normal" community-ish life (our natural social way of being for thousands of years) when the larger system in which we live (our culture) promotes so much separation, isolation and dysfunctional aspects such as financial anxiety over paying the mortgage or "getting ahead" [as if simply making enough money would guarantee our happiness] or maintains a dysfunctional approach to "relationships".

A Path....
The answer is a simple and yet profound "YES ! to Life!"
It often takes the really open minded and brave to enter into this path.
I'm guessing that you are such.

Far beyond just simple sex & romance (transcending them and yet including them) lies such a path.

A Path to take you from an emptiness
that can’t be filled, to a
fullness that can’t be contained
It contains A Radiance of Love.

A Radiance of Love,



"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.
The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world
that no longer exists."   

"Real" Community

"Creating a Culture that works"

In A Very Natural / Nature Based Environment !!

True Financial Security, Deep Interpersonal Friendship & Comfort,
A Pleasing Inquiry into living Life fully, Sustainably, Psychologically Healthy & Successfully
done right now, here on earth...  with Fun & Play !
I invite you to explore this with us.

The Mariposa Group


Once we learn to live together, we cannot live alone.
Real community.... our natural 'social ecology' !!

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