Beyond Hummers... Baby Boomers and more........ Your Input

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Dec 1, 2022, 1:35:16 AM12/1/22
to Mariposa Group Network
The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community

A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"
  Be part of a community of people who are moving beyond Fear, Scarcity, and Competition
into an environment based upon "TRUTH & LOVE".
Accelerate your own Personal Happiness & Joy,
while also contributing to the world.

Hi All,

        This newsletter is a sharing / feedback system from you (your inputs) and from the increasing cracks in the cosmic egg evident in our larger culture. Immediately below is a FREE offer by Lynn McTaggart.  Lynn wrote the fascinating book, The Power of Eight which is all about the extraordinary effects groups can have with collectively focusing their intention of a joint desired outcome.  I wrote about her before on Sept. 25th, 2022
        Here is a fascinating indicator of raising consciousness.  Namely large scale awareness of "Beyond buying Hummers" and a "Beyond Greed" motivation as indicated by the Free offering of Lynne McTaggart here.  A true gift for all of us.

        After Lynn's freebie, there are several of your own stories shared here.  Enjoy your fellow seekers insights and aspirations.  The more we can share back and forth here, the more we/you create another step forward into whatever form of Real community you might be seeking.  Enough others with your own brand of desire is always uplifting to encounter.  Beyond uplifting, it can also be your step forward in creating  and/or participating in the community of your dreams.

In Love & Truth,


Be thankful for the greatest power of all

We are entering the time of a hard rain, we are told from every quarter.  Enormous inflation; exploding energy prices; terrifying climate change;   mortgages and interest rates spiralling out of control; a foreign war that threatens to wash up on our shores; unimaginable corruption at every level; governments themselves too corrupt to tackle it or too clueless to know where on earth, for the vast clean-up job needed, to begin.

Of the more sensitive of my generation – the Baby Boomers – we’re feeling vaguely guilty about all this.  In our hearts, we know we are at fault.  We had our opportunity and we squandered it – we went to sleep. We forgot about Woodstock and raging against the machine.

Instead, we got busy making money, buying Hummers, investing in Big Pharma or Big Tech, embracing the Me ‘Greed is Good’ Generation, and woke up to discover that the big corporations had taken over everything – our banks, our laws, our governments, our Supreme Courts, and indeed us.

(For me this about summary really points out our issues and challenges are money and power based  They are NOT political per se' at all. They will NOT be solved by electing republicans nor democrates to political office.  The "enemy" is the lust for power and the greed which the Oligarchs have.  Getting out of debt (one of the main ways the super rich survive, is by having us under their thumbs as 'wage slaves')  is one of the easiest  and first steps to loving, conscious living.  Then "Real" Community.... which in and of itself can be a pivot point in getting debt free.   -  Eric)

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Have you registered?

Join me and my dear friend and colleague, Janet Attwood for a very special FREE webinar called 'Finding Your True Soul’s Purpose' as part of my on going series, 'In Conversation with...' on,

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

9 am PST / 12 noon EST / 5 pm GMT/ 6 pm CET

For those of you who may not know her, Janet Attwood is a visionary, a transformational leader, and a world humanitarian.  

Janet is co-author of the New York Times bestsellers, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose and Your Hidden Riches: Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose. She has trained over 4500 Passion Test Facilitators in 69 countries around the world.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

What it means to have a passionate purpose to living

- How you best discover it

How it can help you counter negativity of any sort

And much more!

Register now

A northern California Search
On 11/25/2022 7:18 PM, Foundation for Intentional Community wrote:   ( A relay of a request to contact me, via an MG Ad, carries on its website.)

just wanted to thank you for what you described,  it is very beautiful and
when I find a corner of my own paradise,  will definitely keep these goals 
in mind. have been looking for a group like this, just there is none so far
in northern california that I have found yet, will persevere though and keep
dreaming of a loving and joyful future for all. 

Contact: alexandria tomy 


Hi Alexandria,
        Thank you for your loving note. Let me suggest that if this vision is truly something that deeply touches you, resonates within on all levels; if this is true, then perhaps you are already a member of this 2nd Tier community... if not in physical fact, then in at least (and actually the first and most  important initial aspect) resonance in heart, mind and soul.  And perhaps you don't have to keep striving to find such in N. California.  Write and introduce yourself some more.  I'd love to connect more with you.

In Love & Truth,

Part of the key:  "Tell the truth and support each others dreams!"


alexandria tomy wrote:
thank you for replying so quickly i appreciate your honesty,  i have been on my own personal journey  for the past 2 years, discovering alot of beauty from  washington state, through southern oregon's wonderful ocean views and then the n.california redwoods.  i have been studying and learning  and creating alot about natural remedies for health and  joy from  how all the plants, trees and weeds in forests, along the ocean and wild areas can heal and bring peace to those who dream of a loving, joyful, grateful, thankful  future for the now with others of unique values and inspiration . i stay positive that i will find others who feel as I do. i have a cat and 5 month old puppy that show such great love for me and help me, when there are some days that are difficult like find a place to live. i go to nature, read books on plants and how they can help with providing food,  healing and sustainability and create soft pastel artwork as ways to  meditate and quiet the mind and just be. i am 55 years old and just take one day at a time.
 Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2022 3:33 PM
To: alexandria tomy
Subject: Re: [An Extraordinary Community] space of love.
Hey Alexandria,
    Good to get your note.  You do sound as if you are fully engaged in your journey.
Your timing is interesting in that I am about to put our an article in my MariposaGroup Newsletter.
If you would like to provide 1 or 2 pics of yourself, to include with this piece you write here (or a modified form);
I would be more than happy to include it in this next outgoing article.  It will reach perhaps 300+ people and perhaps
provide some contact with someone who resonates with you.

Are you, like many, in a more or less constant challenge around living accommodations?   I knew some live on the road
so to speak, living/traveling in a RV for example.   How do you handle it?

And again, if the circumstance warrant it for  you, you are invited to explore being part of a community here.
Looking forward to 'seeing' you and hearing more.

Love & Truth,  Eric
On 11/26/2022 5:53 PM, alexandria tomy wrote:
i have been  living in my chevy truck, just intuitively move to safer locations when i feel a change in areas that I stay in. I keep the space I stay in clean and clean up in the area, if it is necessary,  so it is enjoyable for anyone else that walks near by.

   From a long time in Dallas to Tennessee .

Hi Eric...just a quick hello.  Am getting settles on my new place up in the mountains on the Cumberland Plateau..above Tracy city, TN!   I love grogeous...low taxes,...kind people.  And my little village is wonderful...Everyone owns their own acreage, and helps each other, and we get together as desired.  Beautiful.  :) 
Blessings on your little community... Mary

A Quaker community in the UK

On 11/24/2022 4:43 PM, Cindy Metcalfe wrote:

Hi Eric,

I am one of two people left in an Intentional Quaker Community in the UK , a registered charity and seeking new models of Community to help us regenerate. We have a lot of now empty accommodation, 10 acres of organic growing land and woods and are seemingly unable to generate enthusiasm for Community Living amongst our fellow Quakers in the UK and wondering what to do.

Hoping your 2nd Tier Event can help innovate guidance

 In Friendship

Cindy Metcalfe (on behalf of the Quaker Community Bamford UK)


Hi Cindy and thanks for writing.

Sorry to hear that you have only two people left in your UK Intentional Quaker community.
There is a definite ebb & flow at times in community ventures.  And it sounds as if you have truly
lovely accommodations / physical land and structure to offer.   Yet in my own experience it is not the philosophical offering nor the physical offering that provides the spark to keep the dream alive. 

The seeming so called 2ndTier offering would be not one of philosophy per', nor grand physical location settings; but one of uplifting the innate "Life Purpose" within each of us.  A 'goal' that usually will speak to each individual.   When the group comes together initially with the clear and well stated purpose of deep, deep friendship among us all, of being Life Positive for all; it then more easily becomes attractive to all. Deep friendship among us all.   Truly deeply knowing each other:  The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Beautiful.   And  yes this takes some time, sometimes more time than you or I would desire.  But in my experience this path produces the greatest and most solid foundation for what ever your community desires downstream.

As people become more and trusting, more energy is released from defensiveness.  The energy is released from "lower order" concerns, i.e.  safety & security  --- both physically and psychologically; and rises up to the production of more love and creative expression.  Both of which are tremendously appealing when experienced and create the natural & healthy desire for "more".

I am only slightly familiar with Quaker philosophy.  Yet I would suggest "Transcend" this philosophy and yet include the best parts of it in a new and more expansive, larger philosophy.  This "transcend and include" growth insight is definitely part of a good 2nd Tier process.  2nd Tier community almost by definition includes the process of continual growth and higher and higher levels of development being made manifest.  A new "circle" of knowledge, wisdom and love/truth is entered into and eventually this circle is filled up. At this point a pressure builds up to the breaking out, past the old circle boundaries into a much larger and 'new' arena / circle.  This process is the essence of what life is all about.

For example, we easily see this rapid learning in the experience of  say a 4 or 5  year old child with good parents.  Not perfect, but good parents, who provide the safety and security of food, shelter and loving companionship to their child.  With those needs met, the child goes out say into the backyard of their home and under the watchful eye of a parent, plays and explores as their innate desire dictates.  Tasting a rose petal.  Making mud piles.  Investigating a caterpillar ... and at times getting a minor 'ouch', say from a rose's thorn.  The parent rushes out in response to the cry of pain.  Comforts the child.  And likely within 60 seconds of snuggling, kissing the hurt, and reassuring the child that all is ok; the crying stops... and then in another 30 seconds the child is off on some new exploration.

Image what it would be like to be able to continue this process forward in life?!  Not as a child, but a full grown adult who is both free and loved enough such that they can continue the 'wonderment' which the healthy child experiences.   In my experience, the process for this is one of :  It as simple as your ABC's, only it start with E and works it way back to A.
It is..   Exploring, Discovering, Creating, Benefiting All.  

And if one of us,  you or I .... or a group of us, are fully engaged in any one part of this process, then we will experience HAPPINESS.
If we are fully engaged in two parts of this process at the same time, we will experience JOY.
If we are fully engaged in three or more parts at the same time,  we will experience literal ECSTASY !!

If you would like, I can travel to UK and start up such a several week process for you.  You would then take the process over yourselves.
Or if you wanted to commit to such here, we could arrange such a gathering & process training for your group here, to take back to the UK. 

The best short hand prescription for real community I've come across is:

In Love & Truth,


Hi Eric,

Thank you so much for this support offered, and I can hope to gather enough Friends for this adventure. The insight you have given in ‘What makes Community’ has answered a concern moving forward and this will be shared with our re-visioning group. It is the aspect of ‘Life Purpose’ that is so intriguing. Reading your Community site stuff, it is clear how the tree planting to offset CO2 and resin collection provided income, pride and purpose for people and see that an innovative project idea on making a ‘Community Living’ could be a path that gathers people together and the change most in need of being made here. To explore, which I have already found brings reward in itself in opening up new possibilities.

 We currently use our land, and accommodation for guests to have personal or group retreats. Having no shortage of people wishing to do so. Yet hospitality service is hard work- and we are unable to find members enabled or willing to help with this mission. I have felt disheartened. A new innovative project will gather people behind it and so potentially re-generate Community, and the loving Friendship lost.

 At what point in our process of regeneration do you feel a 2nd Tier Community Event would be most helpful? As we move forward this information will help in mapping a journey from where we are to creating a thriving Loving Friendly Community, and how many people would you be expecting as an optimum for group training? 

 In exploring your model it is quite clear to me how things have ‘gone wrong’ with how we have been living and working together and so heartening to have come across your enthusiasms for Community life. I see some light now in a potential way forward, finding a Project to work on that gathers people behind it- a life purpose.

 A re-visioning Meeting has been called for the beginning of December and I will put forward a proposal to explore seeking innovation ideas for generating income where feeling good is the work, using the resources we have in an effective way, and opening this exploration out to the network of Friends. Seeking to discover and get behind people and ideas that have the potential to serve in a wider context and to give them traction. This is to be done alongside creating a Community, that’s creating change in the World, where benefiting all is the goal.

 Sounds good to me-feeling the wonderment and curiosity and hopeful to find backing to enable you to come over, starting up the several weeks process of generating community. It is hoped so Eric!

In Friendship


Regarding your:
Really enjoying my exploration of the Mariposa Group Intentional Community, amazing work.
Yet have no dates to realize when stuff was written.
              Long, long ago.... in a place far, far away !    😁 Its been a lifetime of learning.

 Denver Co-op

On 11/15/2022 10:47 AM, Foundation for Intentional Community wrote:
Hi Eric,
 I see your ad on IC.  Are you seeking community, seeking members, or starting a conversation? They all
 sound interesting.

 We are looking for members for our expanding community now that we are finishing our main community space.


 Contact: Andrea Cunningham

On Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 07:56:00 PM MST, Eric N. Best, Ph.D.  wrote:

HI Andrea, 

  Many thanks for writing.   I/we are in the process of building what I call "real" community here in N.E. Texas and seeking kindred spirits who deeply value Truth, Deeply loving Friendship as a primary value system to construct slightly before and in the process of actual physical building.  So  yes, we are seeking members, friends, and certainly in depth conversations about living and taking life upward at least one or two notches beyond our current culture.

Brief background:  I've had a passion about community for a long time.  Visited some 22+ different communities across the USA.  Have a background in psychology, science and a long, intensive meditation practice.  In all of this and seeing many examples of what works and what doesn't work, learning from others, learning from my own experiences; I've come to the place of recognizing the true value of deep friendship among aspiring members as a critical foundation piece for the best chance of creating highly functional community.

        My own background in psychology, group dynamics, exposure to the community building work of M.Scott Peck, the insights gained by psychologist Bill Kauth (the founder of something like 1000 successful men's groups world wide) combined with insights from the intensive meditation practice; have all combined in the underpinning for the creation of The Mariposa Group community here.

I'd love to hear more about your group and your desires.

In appreciation,



On 11/20/2022 12:38 PM, Andrea Cunningham wrote:
Hi Eric,

Thank you for writing back to me so thoughtfully.  I like your vision of community very much.

I was on IC to put up an ad looking for new members for a partially-started community.  We have a big house that is half full because I have been putting in a big kitchen before we fill up completely.

We have an initial list of aspirations, which was included in everyone's lease.  At this moment it feels like they have remained aspirational, which is frustrating.

Here is that writing:

The plan is for the house to become a non-equity building Co-op, which is a legal business entity for the self-governance of the community in which members do not build equity they can sell when they leave.  The Co-op will then make decisions cooperatively for how the house will function, so some things will change as we decide how to make the house work best for the diverse people living here. The starting intentions include:

·        Communication with compassion.

·        Shared space and life.

·        Shared meals.

·        Shared staple foods which are non-GMO and Organic.

·        Group decision making.

·        Safe, inclusive space: queer and trans friendly, anti-racist, non-violent, and feminist.

·        The purchase of the house by the co-op in five years.

·        The expansion of the co-op, possibly to include other housing types (like separate apartments).

·        Weekly meetings.

·        We expect there will be a buy-in fee when the co-op becomes formal.  We expect it might be between $500 and $1000 and will be refundable when moving out of the house.

·        We expect to have one AirBnB room on the ground floor.   *** Now this is a really creative idea for inclusion in community, which I have never run into before.  Very neat.

·        Quiet hours are from 10:00pm to 8:00am.

We are looking for community members who:

·        Want to live in a community not just have a place to sleep and eat.

·        Want to live in a beautiful, clean, and organized house and are willing to help make and keep it that way.  Residents should expect to spend 12 hours per month towards this goal.    *** Nice !!

·        Are curious, compassionate, flexible, and open to living with others who will undoubtedly have different ideas about many things.

·        Are interested in pioneering a new co-op.  There will be work involved to get there.

·        Are responsible and communicative.

·        Embrace enthusiastically that living in community requires introspection and personal growth.

·        Are not struggling with substance use issues or untreated mental health issues.  We may have room in our community one day to support a member who does, but here at the beginning, we feel the need to get our community stably on its feet first.

·        Are not joining the community as a way of running away from something.

The community is in the process of becoming.  We will be starting with three - six month leases to figure out how the community will work best.


On 11/21/2022 4:25 PM, Andrea Cunningham wrote:
Hi Eric,


We are located in Denver.  I'm an architect and a landlord.  At the moment I am spending my workday putting in the kitchen for this house and will have some other tasks when that is done.  I expect that in the near-ish future I will earn income by consulting for the United Nations in post-war countries on a short-term basis.  *** That should be an interesting job!! 

The age range in our house is currently 27-57, well spread between those poles.  *** So you are the elder with guidance, wisdom, and vision....  likely compared to the others.  Not uncommon.
One is a paralegal, one is a cook, one is a hotelier, and one is a graduate student and seeking a part-time job.

One of our members has lived at Esalen on and off for a couple decades; he has some good community experience. *** I would assume he has.  Esalen is a lovely place and a sourcing point for many decades now of "New Thought" and consciousness exploration.  Their massages are the best in the world in my experience.

Another has just joined us after living for six years in a co-op in Michigan.  She was on their board and very active in that community.
*** I would imagine she would be a good wisdom source.
A third has always wanted to live in something leaning towards a commune; in the past that has been informal roommate arrangements.
I worked on forming co-housing for several years, many years ago.  It ultimately fell apart because we naively lacked the understanding that we needed to either have a lot of capital or a habitable building to start.  I have also lived in community houses while working on overseas contracts for a total of maybe three years.
The last person is brand new to intentional community and enthusiastic about it.

This is our house and our new kitchen :-)

1Rsnts22so6mt7Pz.png    .Q146mfHyyMA4wAPY.png  What a lovely old brick house.  Looks solid ! :>)


In response to my sending along some pics of the MG community space here:

My house which I built myself.  A life long dream of mine to do. !E-House.jpg

E-south.jpg  .!ERIC13B.JPG  .!CycleGoodBlueSky.jpg

I love the roof on your house. *** The roof is very "Plain Jane" aluminun.  "Galvalum"  Inexpensive and fairly  durable.

Will this house become part of your co-housing project; is it onsite?  ***  Yes, in a certain sense.  In that CoHo does not at all mean shared living space. CoHo for the Mariposa Group is housing that can be coinhabited if desired; or it is separate houses which are relatively close to each other.  On the MG web site I reference "CoHo" only in a slight possible refering to physical design.  Much, much important is the strong, "very,very good friends" interpersonal element of the members... and from the get do, the community being created on that basis.  ***

The AirBnB seems like a natural since we have one spare room on the ground floor; not totally in the private part of the house, but separated enough for a visitor to feel comfortable we think.


Always the very best to  you Andrea and your Denver community project.
May I have your permission to use your material here as an included item in my next Mariposa Group Newsletter?
It is a lovely example of community building.


40 Acres in Northern Arizona

Hi Eric-
    Thank you for your note. I appreciate so much that you’ve said- and for the most part I definitely am saying Yes to life!  You seem much more theoretical and philosophical than I am, however. I love that you built your own house, so that’s cool. I certainly feel that community is of utmost importance- especially the nuclear family, but I’m also in the camp that we must spend much of our time in a calm stare so we can inside. Currently, I feel that too much ‘community’ propagates us to look outside of ourselves too much - finding our answers with others. For me, working out our life’s questions internally is key, looking within ourselves . Our connection with ‘source’ provides access to all our answers. This balance is, for me, is the stable ground I seek and within which I thrive.

    So sorry for the delay. I forget to check this. I’ve been traveling snd have several friends & family visiting g over the next week but I will write you at your email in a week or so.
     Thank you for your very thorough reply 😊

     Yes, that’s my tiny house up on my 40 acres in northern AZ. I’m working on a self sustaining compound.

Talk soon!   

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.
The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world
that no longer exists."  

"Real" Community

"Creating a Culture that works"

In A Very Natural / Nature Based Environment !!

True Financial Security, Deep Interpersonal Friendship & Comfort,
A Pleasing Inquiry into living Life fully, Sustainably, Psychologically Healthy & Successfully
done right now, here on earth...  with Fun & Play !
I invite you to explore this with us.

The Mariposa Group


Once we learn to live together, we cannot live alone.
Real community.... our natural 'social ecology' !!

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