The Power of EIGHT !

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Sep 25, 2022, 2:15:59 AM9/25/22
to Mariposa Group Network
The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community


A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"

  Be part of a community of people who are moving beyond Fear, Scarcity, and Competition
into an environment based upon "TRUTH & LOVE".
Accelerate your own Personal Happiness & Joy,
while also contributing to the world.

Hello All,

    It has been some time since the last official MG Newsletter has gone out.  And once again events have moved forward such that the time has come again  to reach out regarding the opportunity for our "Real" community creation here.  

First:  An important note here if you are tired of the challenges, pains, and struggles present in our country and indeed present worldwide.  Philosophers, mystics, wise men/women, have from time immemorial given us wisdom, when we were ignorant, about events or processes that were either going against our true nature and/or actively about to harm us due to our own personal or cultural ignorance or immaturity.  Because historically up to now, the process of "Change" has usually been very slow, it has been easy to neglect the various warnings regarding various tsunamis of change about to hit us.  Here is a very appropriate notation from Eric Hoffer.  

  "In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."  

These same mystics, philosophers, and wise wo/men also come together now to provide insight and opportunity into much need life positive change.

The Power of Eight:
                                            Harnessing the Miraculous
                                            Energies of a Small Group to
                                            Heal Others, Your Life, and
                                            the World THE POWER OF EIGHT   is a book by Lynne McTaggart, who as an investigative journalist had an interest in science in a 'no nonsense' way; and yet found herself confronted by experimental results which essentially seemed to confound if not transcend traditional science.  It involved the "Intention" we might set in motion in a group process.  Google books puts it this way: "Discover how to tap into your extraordinary human capacity for connection and healing, using astonishing new findings about the miraculous power of group intention and its boomerang effect,"

  Personally I had known of this effect long ago, from strong experiences in teaching meditation and particularly via teaching FireWalking to terminally ill cancer patients.  And I intuitively had sensed what is possible in groups creating "Real" community; yet perhaps because of my own background in science, I had been reluctant to present much of that intuitive knowing about what is possible in higher level community connection without standing "proof" of the possibilities of seeming miracles.
   Fortunately Lynn, with her "The Power of Eight" has revealed for all to see some of these 'miracles'.  You might say that another Light Bearer has come to my aid here with my own quest to bring more "Light" / "Love & Truth" into our reality.

   "The Power of Eight"  indeed fits right into the dynamics involved in our creating "Real" community right here, right now in The Mariposa Group setting.  Lynn's use of 'eight' in her title is a reference to the number in small groups she initially used in her research.   And fits right in with the number of 'core group' members we are seeking:  Six to Eight.  Her small groups were experimenting with the use of focused intention to heal on particular individuals with personal challenges (medical, relationship, or otherwise) in their life.  What was found is that what could only be called "Miracles" often occurred in this process.  Life was uplifted, healed, improved.... you choose the label..... it was there.

    THE BOOMERANG EFFECT mentioned in the Google books review, came about both in these small groups and when Lynn increased the number of participants into the thousands.  She designed intention experiments for groups with 1000's of people scattered around the world, connected only via computer access to a web site.  They were NOT in each other's physical presence ! 

    And out of this came the 'boomerang' effect.  The energy of the joint intention may well have done its job on a particular person, or on a particular problematic scenario.  BUT the big and unexpected impact was that the people involved in sending the positive intention. often received back to themselves what can only perhaps be described as spiritual upliftment.  And I realized once again, this time more consciously and with backup from another (Lynn), that this is part and parcel of the impulse inside of me for helping to bring forth more "Love & Truth" based "Real" community.
That is "
Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community"

Here are some of the reported spontaneous effects on those sending the positive intentions.

Mystical rapture

Merging with the Absolute

Ecstatic union

Spiritual orgasm

Cosmic consciousness

Being part of a power surge

I was being pulled along on this giant wave of
energy while also being part of the cause of the wave

A bright whiteness that shocked me to awareness

A clear picture of arrows going back and forth in
the darkness, then a huge downpouring of love

Lynn reported:
"The majority of the participants had been weeping
during the whole of the experiments."
(while sending positive intentions)

Being light joining with thousands of lightbeams
and becoming a vast glowing entity

Being part of a group mind

Afforded insight into a greater reality

Coming home

If this moves you like it moves me, I invite you to come explore
the process of "Coming Home" with us.

There is a Life Positive tsunami becoming available for us.
This will be a time of drastic change into upliftment.

A Radiance of Love,   Eric

"Real" Community

"Creating a Culture that works"

In A Very Natural / Nature Based Environment !!

True Financial Security, Deep Interpersonal Friendship & Comfort,
A Pleasing Inquiry into living Life fully, Sustainably, Psychologically Healthy & Spiritually
Aware.  Successfully done right now, here on earth...  with Fun & Play !
I invite you to explore this with us.

The Mariposa Group


Once we learn to live together, we cannot live alone.
Real community.... our natural 'social ecology' !!

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  please share it with your friends.

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