An Extraordinary Community Event for You.... and its FREE

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Jun 14, 2023, 12:56:03 AM6/14/23
to Mariposa Group Network
The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community

A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"
  Be part of a community of people here or in your own area
who are moving beyond Fear, Scarcity, and Competition
into an environment based upon "TRUTH & LOVE".
Accelerate your own Personal Happiness & Joy,
while also contributing to the world.

Dear Community seeking friends,

        For four decades. I've worked both personally within myself and within groups, to enhance my/our understanding of the relationship between our inner and worlds.  The merging of advanced psychological research, scientific discoveries about the human mind/body, along with a deepening personal path via 33+ years of meditation practice; all points to an intrinsic interconnection at the core of our being and world.  An understanding of innate oneness, offers humanity powerful opportunities to create a truly regenerative and thriving world. This is what The Mariposa Group is all about.

        As I noted in the last MariposaGroupNetwork newsletter, the passing of my mother brought with it some major shifts in my life. 
A major shift point in my life yes... and more than that.  A doubling down on my personal striving to bring more contribution to the world.  To bring more "Love & Truth" into existence.  And at the same time, an inheritance has brought me into a financial state of 'fullness'.  And I like to share both of these with you.  One way is to have you experience the fruits and insights which have made the "GateWay to Real Community" retreat experience the very best way you can have, to gain the "Interpersonal Community" skills which are so necessary to make any 'physical coming together' successful.   In your own location or with us here at Mariposa Group.  And it is at NO COST to you for the August 11th, 12th, and 13th GateWay event held at the Mariposa Group location.

        The Mariposa Group has a country wide network of community interested people.  And you can gain the skills to generate Real Community at your or any other location.


Some introductory comments from participants in the GateWay workshops:

"After living in an intentional community for 5 years, it took this workshop, and a willingness to commit to this process, to finally experience community within myself and then the experience of true intimate community with others."

"I would recommend it to friends who talk about building or doing "community" as though it were easy and the first thing to do is buy enough land.  I'd suggest that perhaps they experience community first."

"I can't imagine a more enabling experience for groups in almost any stage of forming a Co-Housing community than a Relationship / Community workshop such as those conducted by Eric Best."
                                           Pat Denslow,   Pasadena, California

        We are at the cutting edge of conscious community creation.  LOVE & TRUTH are our commitments to each other in the formation of deep, deep friendship based community.  It transcends the all too frequent human conflict areas of "Money, Sex, & Power"   [MSP]  and yet healthily includes them in creating a thriving, fully alive, encouraging / inspiring support of the life spirit within all of us.   This is perhaps unique in the purposeful creation of community and as such requires some unique characteristics to be already present among members.  

        Such as strong already present healthy financial stability and at the same time a strong already present internal commitment to "LOVE & TRUTH" in general and certainly with the community members.   

        In this sense our community is purposely an internal "bonding" family which is not initially about "Saving the world" per se' or any other external goal.  YET there is a paradox present,  Via the love & truth commitment-process moving forward, individual members "cups" move from 1/2 empty or less, to an eventual overflowing of energy/intent externally to the world at large.

   That is a movement for you from a cup that is always half empty,
                                                              to a cup that now overflows with JOY !!

    A Path to take you from an emptiness that can’t be filled,
                                                    to a fullness that can’t be contained
From a very down to earth spiritual perspective in our time,
            it is the emergence of "THE LARGER WE" which benefits ALL.

Welcome HOME !!

A Radiance of Love,


GateWay to Community

Here is the website for GATEWAY TO COMMUNITY:
The cost now is nothing, na da,  FREE.   My gift to "Real" Community interested folks.  Some
would identify you as 2nd Tier.... you likely know already if this is true.  There are only 15 spots
available.  A $100. check is required to hold your spot.  It will be returned to you at the end of
the training.

Please share as much as possible. For your own good and for the good of community.

In deep appreciation,


Eric N. Best, Ph.D.
10316 FM 1841
Bivins,  Texas 75555


"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.
The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world
that no longer exists."  

Entrainment for Life Positive Community Wellness with Mind, Body, Spirit.
Nearly everything in life comes down to some external stimuli of training we have received throughout our lives.

Some examples:
- You were trained to talk in the language and style your parents trained you with.
- You have been trained to have certain feelings about things.
- You have been trained to have certain feelings, thoughts & emotions about your Health & Wellness!

The great news is, once you begin to understand this “entrainment” or training…
You can positively CHOOSE what training you accept, practice and use in your life!

"Real" Community

"Creating a Culture that works"

In A Very Natural / Nature Based Environment !!

True Financial Security, Deep Interpersonal Friendship & Comfort,
A Pleasing Inquiry into living Life fully, Sustainably, Psychologically Healthy & Successfully
done right now, here on earth...  with Fun & Play !
I invite you to explore this with us.

The Mariposa Group

Once we learn to live together, we cannot live alone.
Community is our natural 'social ecology'.
"Real" Community is the next upward step in community evolution.

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  please share it with your friends.

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