TODAY'S BOOK LAUNCH - The Light: And the New Human

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Oct 16, 2022, 1:55:50 AM10/16/22
to Mariposa Group Network
The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community

A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"
  Laura George's work both community wise and
with her writings are extremely worthwhile.
Her new book deserves your reading it... and so do you !!
In Love & Truth,  Eric

Here is her new work, an extraordinary book









After more than a decade of research and writing, Oracle founder Laura George
has birthed 
The Light: And the New Human
  a sophisticated examination of
the social, scientific, and spiritual forces that are shifting the Godhead.
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                      LIGHT Meme - TW (Spiritual Warrior - Alex Grey)
This is a book FOR New Humans ABOUT New Humans: People who have transcended the anthropomorphic ancient religions. People who believe in an integrated and genderful/genderless concept of deity. People who know the Godhead has been out of balance for thousands of years and that in order to shift the paradigm, we must co-create a contemporary theosophy founded on The Light! 

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New Humans are conscious players in the God Game and we understand the polarizing God Gap. We play for Team Light, but we work for the benefit of All. We live on this dual and dangerous Earth Plane, but we have the ability to access non-duality in the Ethereal Plane. And we avoid New Age narcissism by serving humanity and pursuing sound, sacred paths that lead to enlightenment .

                      Meme - TW (Team Human - Diane)

New Humans know there IS such a thing as evil. The Light pierces New Age nonsense by examining the very nature of polarity. It explores whether in the 21st Century, Gandhi or Hitler left the larger legacy. The book also reveals why Democracy is on the decline globally, how ingrained cycles of history repeat, and why old humans succumb to old patterns and fall prey to new predators. 

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                    - TW (Cycles Season - PMH)

Oracle’s Default Mode of the Universe theory mates with quantum physics and cutting-edge research on consciousness. The current Transhuman Era is explored, along with a possible Posthuman world. Virtual reality, the Metaverse, AI, and the Matrix theory are investigated to determine whether Team Human can win the God Game or if we're living on a Prison Planet. In short, New Humans must organize, strategize, and actualize a plan quickly if we wish to manifest a protopian New World.   

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                    - TW (Holomovement - Kurt)

The Light ends with a story about the Founding Fathers and an inspiring update to Manley and Marie Hall’s Secret Destiny of America. The mystical sections of the book explore Hermeticism and Gnosticism – two complimentary paths that revere the Divine Feminine, incorporate holism, explain the paradox of duality/non-duality, and culminate with the Law of Mentalism: All is the mind of God.

Hermetic Laws
                        of Universe - FB 2

Order THE LIGHT at Amazon TODAY!

Additional Testimonials from Luminaries in Diverse Fields:

“This is a terrific book, fully embracing a truly integral perspective and highly recommended.”
~ Ken Wilber, author of The Spectrum of Consciousness, The Religion of Tomorrow, and A Theory of Everything  
“This beautifully illustrated and inspiring book provides a much-needed new perspective on current religious traditions, merges the divine feminine and masculine, and points the way toward a gender-balanced, equitable, and sustainable partnership world. A powerful call for a realistic and hopeful spirituality!”
~ Riane Eisler, J.D., Ph.D., founder of the Center for Partnership Systems and author of The Chalice and the Blade, The Real Wealth of Nations, and Nurturing Our Humanity
“As The Light suggests, the likely answer is that we are sparks of God, emanations from an infinite source of universal consciousness. We are, all of us, partners with God co-creating our universe."
~ Bernard Haisch, Ph.D., astrophysicist and author of The God Theory and The Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Einstein, Darwin, and God

The Light gives us a lot to think about, especially about the merger of science and spirituality. I share Rev. George’s hope for an evolutionary trajectory that brings humanity together and fosters greater compassion and understanding about the universe.”
~ Andrew Newberg, MD, neuroscientist and author of How God Changes Your Brain and Why We Believe What We Believe
“Tau Lama knocked it out of the park with this masterpiece. I love how she brings together insights from numerous fields regarding humanity’s evolution into a singular understandable narrative. An excellent book!”
~ H.E. Rev. Patrick McCollum, founder of The McCollum Foundation and recipient of the Mahatma Gandhi Award

The Light should be taught in every school on this planet. The result would be peace and prosperity on Earth.”
~ Yuval Ron, Oscar award winning composer and author of Divine Attunement: Music as a Path of Wisdom

There is a saying that unless we know our past we cannot understand the present and Laura charts, with great compassion, insight and clarity our journey to this pivotal point through the hitherto paradigms we’ve based our perception of ourselves, the world and our place in it. Vitally and with great wisdom, she brings us to a homecoming that transcends the illusion of separation and invites us into a re-membered unity. Here and now she shows us how, as New humans, we can step into the Light of the cosmic destiny of our conscious evolution.”
~ Jude Currivan, Ph.D., cosmologist and author of The Cosmic Hologram and The Story of Gaia


Spectrum - New
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Please purchase The Light TODAY at AMAZON by clicking on this link:

If Amazon gets strong sales today PLUS 5-STAR REVIEWS from YOU,
The Light will achieve Amazon Best-Seller status, which will further propel sales.

 Pic Oracle Trilogy Amazon Bestseller 3
We hope you will purchase The Light: And the New Human
All proceeds will go to complete the Peace Pentagon!

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                    3x6) - NEW

The Valley of Light is an Intentional Community for "New Humans"      A sister community to The Mariposa Group.
We are actively recruiting both Resident and Non-Resident Members who feel called to help lead humanity. If you have a strong work ethic and are committed to building a better world, please read our online material to see if you would be a good fit. 

With Five Paths dedicated to modeling best practices, whatever your niche or area of expertise, we have a place for you. We are especially interested in finding a groundskeeper and bookkeeper, so if your idea of heaven is working in a pristine, holistic setting surrounded by water and woods, please reach out!
For more information, contact:

"Real" Community

"Creating a Culture that works"

In A Very Natural / Nature Based Environment !!

True Financial Security, Deep Interpersonal Friendship & Comfort,
A Pleasing Inquiry into living Life fully, Sustainably, Psychologically Healthy & Successfully
done right now, here on earth...  with Fun & Play !
I invite you to explore this with us.

The Mariposa Group


Once we learn to live together, we cannot live alone.
Real community.... our natural 'social ecology' !!

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