Re: Kathy Peck ?? Re: [CBPartners] TODAY'S BOOK LAUNCH - The Light: And the New Human

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Eric N. Best, Ph.D.

Oct 21, 2022, 12:06:07 AM10/21/22
Mistype in prior email"   2050,  not 2250;             the MIT predicted implosion of our current culture.  Only 28 years away.

Oh well... here we go somewhat.... Same old, same old.
Tim I'm appreciate your writing and at the same time I see no indication that you are likely to head in my direction.
Likely best for you to simply upon seeing an email from, to delete it.  Perhaps I am wrong and you will continue to read them. You tell me!

On 10/20/2022 6:48 PM, Timothy Dempsey wrote:

Tim Dempsey here:


So, this is a good example to me of how divisive it is when people in Community Building contexts have a hard time breaking to the heart. Just from your last email, Eric, you have excluded:

  1. Those who disagree with your notion of life positive, characterizing them as either talk-no-action or emotionally immature.
  2. Those who disagree that western culture has a hard stop in 225 years.
  3. Those who believe that global warming warnings are extreme.
  4. Those who voted for Donald Trump or might vote for Donald Trump – or believe that Donald Trump didn’t just happen. (This one has been the Bogeyman in the last few Workshops I’ve led.)
  5. Those who do not believe that January 6 was an insurrection.
  6. Those who you characterize as insane if they are part of the larger system and not your new culture.
  7. Those who will not band together in your idea of a real community for the presumed sake of generational survival.
YES, absolutely Yes.... I do exclude first off the notion that 'community' must include everyone.  It's immature.  Yes, I know ahead of time that you will emotionally react to that word 'immature'.  I also purposely exclude some people.
   For example, I would NOT include known rapists, child pedophiles, Al Capone gangster types,  Hell's angel, those who promote slavery, etc. etc
I wonder how it came to be such that you seemingly unconditionally take on the idea that community must be 'inclusive'?


Everyone who doesn’t follow are running short on adult sanity according to you. Well, there are actually some very smart people who I know who take the other side. But Community Building isn’t a debate to win. You’re out to convert. Therefore, your after pseudo community. I’m actually a big fan of pseudo community – so long as it’s clean. Unfortunately, each time you write you’re kicking up dust.

Your "dust" Tim, for your to deal with.            Others find this interesting and/or stimulating in some ways.
I am not looking to "convert".  I am searching for others who have come to similar conclusions on their own and so we have some similar / overlapping resonance.


I would appreciate your trying to make a personal statement of some of what you have said. Stories go a long way in making connections personal and building Community. Obviously, you take all of what you have said very seriously. Something must have brought out this passion in you. I have no interest at all in your new culture. But I would be interested in knowing how it came about in your heart.

    Tim I would say to you first off: "NO !  I will not provide lengthy stories about my own path to my thoughts and observations.  Locating in the heart.... and I know you will likely not like this... is only a middle point of being on the path.  Learning to integrate both the heart and the mind is the developmental experience which can easily (and finally) rise up to personal connection with the SOUL.   Yes, the Soul exists in my personal experience / knowledge and it transcends easily the heart by itself.  And this part may give you some 'feel good' experience;  The Soul transcends the heart and yet at the same time includes it.

It will seek out a larger vision / helping effort, than the heart by itself could ever accomplish.


   I am not into converting.  Far, far too late for that.
Connecting with others who carry at least a modicum of the same vision I present and are willing - wanting to act,
is what I desire.  Those who are ready as our country's forefathers were (in preparation for a new culture)
to " ... we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."  as we move into
times of extraordinary change, challenge, and opportunity.  A new type of culture will be needed.  Yes, an evolutionary
step upward.... which is not guaranteed at all.  In my opinion & knowledge, it will be as large a change from our
current culture, as the birthing of democracy was from monarchy in England.

Does anyone here really believe that we are at the ultimate pinnacle of evolution right now, here in the USA??
Is FCE type of 'community' circles the ultimate community vehicle that will never be superseded??

What are you own 'Next best' visions for what is needed to come, if we care about our own sacred honor along with the lives of our children??

In Love & Truth, 


Tim Dempsey
423-902-6694 M/Tx


From: <> On Behalf Of Eric N. Best, Ph.D via
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 2:07 PM
Subject: Kathy Peck ?? Re: [CBPartners] TODAY'S BOOK LAUNCH - The Light: And the New Human


Many thanks Keith.

Yes, I am seeking connection with those who want to actually move into a "Life Positive" new culture, in a likely new location.
Your Titanic analogy might be far too accurate for the emotional comfort of many.

"Limits to Growth":   MIT scientists paper 1st published ~ 1972, re-evaluated for accuracy in 1997 and again in 2008; predicts that our western culture will completely collapse approximately in 2250.

2015:  UN report from engineers, scientists from some 150 countries forecast that we have to really shift global warming by 2230 or we will be past the point of no return.  French fry our grandchildren??

Donald Trump:  What on earth has happened that our political/national/governmental system has become so distorted that collectively "we" allowed him to be elected President.  Jan 6th was almost a move into dictatorial rule.

I don't believe in any sense that I have the power to influence the larger "system" into sanity.

But I do believe that we (of drive towards "community" and "Truth & Love") do have the power to physically group together in "Real" community; where there would be the best bet for survival and at least a modicum of adult sanity.

In Love & Truth,



Keith here...


Eric, from my perspective you say much of value in very few words: "If only there was more time than there is." I can really resonate with that, for what it's worth. I'm right there with you. Sometimes I feel as though the collective "we" are like the folks on the deck of the Titanic listening to the orchestra as the ship is sinking.


But perhaps more importantly "here," is that in those few words I think I might glimpse a bit of you more... your passion, your sense of urgency. Your desire to offer to the world what seems to be a more hopeful and constructive way. Despite my issues with some of what you post, seeing "you" in this particular, specific way helps me feel more connected... to you and to this circle.


I'm not quite sure exactly what to do with this. I'm still p.o.'d by your approach. And yet... now there's more than simply that for me.


Perhaps it partly comes down to the fact that I come to this venue for the kind of connection that the folks on the deck of the Titanic might have been hoping to feel in their final hours/minutes.  What else could they do? What would have been better for them to do than that? I'm thinking now about the story of the Buddhist monk clinging to a cliffside by one thin branch... with a voracious tiger above, and another below. Knowing that his fate is sealed he spies a single ripe strawberry hanging near him, plucks it and savors it. 


I come to a community building circle to savor connection in the midst of a world that feels as though it is sinking. It's not all that I can do, but it's a piece of what I can do. Perhaps in some ways, the circle is my way of praying. CBPartners isn't quite a community building circle... Yet I hold it as a similar place of value. Ok, I'll stop rambling now.




On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 1:42 AM Eric N. Best, Ph.D. <> wrote:

Keith, you write well ... it is touching.
If only there was more time than there is.
Be well.


-------- Forwarded Message --------


Re: Kathy Peck ?? Re: [CBPartners] TODAY'S BOOK LAUNCH - The Light: And the New Human


Wed, 19 Oct 2022 21:58:40 -0500


Keith Byler <>




Keith here. I'm trying not to exclude myself or others.


Eric, I'm experiencing your responses as callous, bordering on cruel. If this is the "Light & Love" of which you speak, I'm gobsmacked. Even allowing that some of what you say has some basis in fact (albeit sometimes lacking context), the point is why do you seem to continue to poke and prod and force yourself on me, and I suspect some others here as well?


Eric, even though I've often found your proselytizing to be irritating and inappropriate in this particular venue, I've always also experienced you as a decent person... passionate to the point of being overbearing at times, but meaning well. Now I'm starting to feel as though you're beating me with a stick and somehow justifying it under the rubric that it's for my own good, or for humanity's good, or the world's good. I'm curious if this is where you're coming from... that somehow you are helping us by pummeling us even as some of us have asked you to stop? Is shocking us with your cattle prod meant as a way to awaken us from our stupor? Help me understand... Or you could just stop. Or neither, I suppose... Heavy sigh.


There have been several who have shared important personal things in the past day... things that have meaning to me. I've been sitting in quiet with them. I, too, have had a bruising boxing match with cancer in the past couple of years, fortunately well-treated, but which has left me permanently changed both physically and emotionally. I'm not in any way saying that you should have been moved to speak in response to any of that. But maybe a little silence? A modicum of space? A sliver of grace?




On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 8:57 PM Eric N. Best, Ph.D <> wrote:

Kathy I truly valve honesty and openness in communication.   Are  you Kathleen Kline Yates?  Scotty's 2nd wife... or someone else?
What is this stuff about "
3. Scotty did NOT have affairs with "various women",. you write?
Did not some woman on this various site, several years ago (Peck's 1st wife?) write in a detailed note including info on "affairs"?
And then there is:

M Scott Peck

Pop psychiatrist who ignored his bestselling advice on adultery

Tue 4 Oct 2005 19.43 EDT


Psychiatrist M Scott Peck, who has died aged 69, made millions with his first book by advocating self-discipline, restraint, and responsibility - all qualities he openly acknowledged were notably lacking in himself. The Road Less Travelled was first published in 1978. It eventually spent 13 years on the New York Times bestseller list to create a paperback record, sold 10 million copies worldwide and was translated into more than 20 languages.

The opening words were: "Life is difficult." This was a pronouncement to which Peck could personally attest. He spent much of his life immersed in cheap gin, chain-smoking cigarettes and inhaling cannabis, and being persistently unfaithful to his wife, who eventually divorced him. He also went through estrangement with two of his three children.

Peck wrote openly of his adulterous affairs in another of his total of 15 books: In Search of Stones: A Pilgrimage of Faith, Reason and Discovery (1995), based on a visit to Britain to see ancient stone monuments. Never lacking in personal honesty, at least in print, he once said he had "the rare privilege of being able to give advice without having any responsibility".

Peck, whose personalised car number plate was THLOST, also spent much of his life seeking religious fulfilment (he was baptised a Christian at 43 after embracing Zen and then Sufism), and used this to explain his infidelities. "There was an element of quest in my extramarital romances," he wrote. "I was questing, through sexual romance, at least a brief visit to God's castle." Such visits, however brief, ceased when he became impotent, he disclosed.


I have no interest in "besmirching" Peck or anyone else.
I do note Ken Wilber's oh so short but incisive bit of knowledge:  "I have never met anyone who is 100-% right, 100% of the time."

Radical honesty is not a bad thing at times.
So who are you Kathy?  What is your life about?
What do you stand for?

I am committed to manifesting more "Love & Truth" to the best of my ability.
(Being 'nice' not always the highest path to either Love or Truth.)



On 10/19/2022 2:49 PM, AOL. via wrote:

I have been sitting in silence but feel moved to speak (write).  I am in pain due to your accusations of which you know little truth.  

1. Scotty knew, read and often endorsed other authors and speakers.  He was in communication with many of the other people involved in his fields.  He chose to publish original work.  

2. Scotty financially supported the Foundation for Community Encouragement.  Fundraising by others, other than Scotty and Lily, was very limited and they chose not to continue to support it if it could not sustain itself.  

3. Scotty did NOT have affairs with "various women".

4.  You wrote, "...let me say something that I suspect Scottie would agree with..."  I'm afraid Scotty would agree with very little you have written.   And.... He spelled his name "Scotty".

5.  This chain of communication would not exist, initially, without Scotty.  It hurts me deeply that you chose to use it to besmirch Scotty's memory.  



Kathy Peck



On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 1:10 AM, Eric N. Best, Ph.D

Hello Guys at CBPartners    ....and women too.....   Are there any present here?
   And perhaps another an even more sage question; is there anyone under the age of 45 here?

This is almost certainly a non-CBW / FCE type of communication here from me.  So if you need to protect yourself
you know you can delete this note immediately
Perhaps for the good to 'jump start'?


M. Scott PeckFrom:FCE

In 1981 I began to be invited to conduct workshops on "spiritual growth". It immediately became obvious that such workshops could be significantly effective only when they were highly experimental. Mostly by luck, I was able to discern a few guidelines for leading these groups of up to sixty through the stages I came to call "pseudo-community", "chaos", and "emptiness" into a genuine, albeit temporary, community. It was a powerful process, and a number of the participants did seem to achieve a modicum of "spiritual growth". Almost from the beginning, however, my primary personal passion was not for the resulting individual gains involved but for the group as a whole, it was for community.

Eric:  My own background is in psychology, science & an extensive meditation practice.  The later has opened up door after door after door for me that I never knew even existed.    I received my PhD in 1976 and was extremely enticed with what I saw as possible coming out of doing group work at that time.  Very similar in some ways to what you likely have later experienced in FCE's CBW's.

As a matter of fact, I sponsored the very first FCE CBW to be held in Los Angeles long ago.

Jumping somewhat towards the end here, let me say something that I suspect Scottie would strongly agree with.
Namely nothing of Valve stands still.  It either dies off or grows, expands, modifies into some new.... often with transcending the 'old form' and YET including it (or its best parts) into newer, larger and richer forms.S

Hence my own work and passion for it.... as some of you seem to object to that that element of 'passion', aliveness, dynamic movement and creation.

FCE came  to an end.  Likely because of its withholding of financial information and perhaps to some degree, Scottie's affairs with various women

Yet Scott Peck's work while truly wonderful, and creative to a higher value system;
was NOT the only psycho-spiritual development path going.  And he (likely) had no time or energy to stay abreast of all other developments which now dramatically add to what we humans can create in a "Life Positive" direction.


  Damadian created the first whole-body human scanner in May of 1977.
Funcitonal MRI's Since its inception in 1990, fMRI has been used in an exceptionally large number of studies in the cognitive neurosciences, clinical psychiatry/psychology,

Abe Maslow :  Slightly before Scottie's time  - With his study of healthy/exceptional people instead of the pathological, brought forth his  "  Hierarchy of Needs "  .........  Leading into spiritual realms at the top.

Clare Graves ,  a post doc student of Maslow's, took Maslow's work and expanded it to his own "Levels of Existence" Theory.
  Clare Graves's theory holds that human beings develop through a series of “levels” or behavioral states. At each level a person learns and acts in a way that is   
   consonant with the particular level.

Don Beck, Ph.d took Graves work and expanded it into  "Spiral Dynamics"   Google it.

Robert Kegan, PhD ,
a developmental psychologist and now retired professor of the Harvard Graduate School in Education, describes five stages of development including
1) Impulsive Mind, 2) Instrumental Mind, 3) Socialized Mind, 4) Self-Authoring Mind, and 5) Self-Transforming Mind 

For example, Kegan's Constructive Developmental Theory (CDT) argues that the thought processes used by adults to construct their reality change over time, and reaching higher stages of cognitive development entails becoming objectively aware of emotions and beliefs that were previously in the realm of the subconscious.

      According to Kegan, becoming an adult isn't about learning new things (adding things to the 'container' of the mind), it's about transformation — changing the way we know and understand the world (changing the actual form of our 'container'). Transformation is akin to a “personal Copernican shift”

Ken Wilber ----  Integral Theory  (A theory of everything) 
as brilliantly worked at Integrating all of this prior, along with various spiritual traditions knowledge,     into a broader understanding of what it is to be human and what we can "DO"..... Active, fully alive, while also operating from a peaceful center.
The transcending of the oh so typical challenges most humans have (and are stuck in) "Money, Sex, and Power".

All of this (and other developments / insights.... some long ago) results in the emerging level of human, that can truly be functionally "New Human"
( As much as the shift from the typical human of Ghangis Khan's time, into what we have typically have in the USA now; can be called "New" from Khan's existence.)


I am fully alive.  How about you? 
(Yes,  yes, .... I know... That's not the CBW approved way of communication.)

So is really simply doing more (see below) of "not much going on most of the time", and/ or from time to time doing something like so politely... " I am moved to speak." really adding to your life?   Or making any  contribution to your children's lives... or a contribution (god forbide) to "humanity"  ???
Is your life about being fully alive ..... or slowing simply dying off.... (like FCE) ???


Who am I?
 What is My Life All About?
 Why the pain.....   why the joy?
 Who do I want to be?
 How do I want my life to be?
                     And... if not now, when?


On 10/18/2022 7:55 PM, Keith Byler wrote:

Keith here... Hello, Patrick! I, too, always feel a sense of sudden glee when an old friend pops up on this site. For some reason a metaphor around mushrooms, mycelium, connections underground unseen yet absolutely vital, alive... for me.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 9:09 PM larkwhistler <> wrote:

Hello all, Patrick here. 

I'm not sure why I stay subscribed to CBPartners - not much going on most of the time. Probably because I have a long association with community building, have found it valuable - precious even - and in some ways life-saving. 


And there are people here who I've known and felt connected with from cb circles over the years, so it's something like bumping into an old friend unexpectedly on the street, when one of your names pops up - hi, Keith.  


Speaking for myself (and perhaps others) I don't find this the place for the Mariposa Newsletter.  I find them out keeping with the intent of the site and quite jarring in this context, besides being uninteresting, long-winded and repetitive - basically, one big ad.  I simple ' put up with them' the way you'd grudgingly tolerate any other advertisement that you couldn't avoid. 


And (to parrot Keith), I'll go a step further - but on a different matter.   


Some months ago I had a back-and-forth with...I'mso rry I forget exactly who he is.  He thought he recalled me from an event we had both attended years ago, and wondered if he was remembering the right guy.  I responded by saying I think it was at such-and-such a circle and went on to describe how much it had meant to me, the depth of the experience and, in particular the phenomenon of 'recognition' - nice word, re-knowing - towards the end of the event.  How one of the facilitators ask us to look around and see if the faces of this rather large group of  'strangers' look familiar - another good word, part of the family.  


There were about 100 participants total - 2 groups - so at least half of them I'd hardly seen over the course of 3 days...and, lo and behold, I found myself looking into faces that I somehow knew and recognized - truly, familiar faces.  Like, I've seen you all before, somewhere, sometime.  It was a remarkable experience, gentle, very real, with a kind of mystical quality. 


The experience meant a lot to me, and I took the time to express myself here and speak about how surprising, strange and meaningful the experience was.   


No one responded except the man who first wondered if we had met at an event years ago.  And what did he say?  Something mundane like, oh, he thought it might have been a different event, because...timing etc.  


Call it egoism, but, boy, did I feel unheard or dismissed or shrugged off - a big silent 'big deal, so what'.  


Maybe I'm too used to that kind of response, or have learned to put aside expectations - probably was hoping for something more from a group such as this.  In any case, the (non)exchange stuck with me to the point that I'm moved to say something, now that there's a stirring here. 



From: <> on behalf of hanford13 <>
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2022 6:53 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CBPartners] TODAY'S BOOK LAUNCH - The Light: And the New Human


I find myself quite unexpectedly moved to speak here. 


I had repeatedly dismissed my irritation at the advertisements and promotions as part of my general distrust of enthusiastic people with plans and had already set up an "" spam rule. 


But what I realized reading your email, Keith, was that I shouldn't have to set up a spam filter in the CB group. 


I fully expect there's sufficient self-awareness among everyone in the group to know when they're acting contrary to the agreements we keep. 


We keep those agreements because we've learned they offer us the best possible chance of being real with each other. 


My span filter was a double form of exclusion -- I excluded myself from the group and Eric Best from my sphere of consciousness. 


So, Eric, you're back in my sphere of consciousness and I'll just ask you straight out -- quit the promotion.


Do us the honor of sharing your heart instead of all the other stuff. 


Speaking for myself, my life is full to the brim with the other stuff.




Eric Miller


On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 2:34 AM Keith Byler <> wrote:

Hi all... Keith here.


Eric, the word "petulant" sounds a bit "something" to me... dismissive? I've been sitting with it... and finally looked up the word to see if perhaps I was attaching a meaning/feeling to it that was based on my own history vs. what it says to me as a bit of a wordsmith... 


According to the Oxford dictionary, the word "petulant" is defined as:


Is this what you meant? That Yehudit is being "childishly sulky or bad-tempered?" Oh, my... I hope not. Would you say that to a man?


I'll go a step further... I find your advertisements offensive. I stay subscribed to CBPartners because I experience the group as an attempt at online community building... a circle that is mostly silent unless someone feels moved to speak. In the circle, one might legitimately offer a book title that has meant something to them, perhaps even suggest that others might also find value in it. I would have no problem with that. But if someone were to put a table in the middle of the circle with multiple copies of said book on it, basically hawking it for sale (as your loooooong advertisement clearly does), I wouldn't care for that one bit. If you are "moved to speak" and wish to tell us what this book has meant to you "personally," well, ok. But your extraordinarily transparent attempt to push us to buy the book (and most of your other posts, which I don't experience as being personal) strikes me as a sad sort of hucksterism. It's not that you don't have the right to market things... for whatever reason... your personal beliefs, to promote your intentional community, etc.... But speaking only for myself... I don't see CBPartners as an appropriate venue for such advertisements. 


Yet... as Yehudit has said... you can certainly continue to post what you will. I'll remain in the "petulant" camp about it, however, and proudly so.




On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 9:41 PM Eric N. Best, Ph.D <> wrote:


Thanks for the info.
One correction:

You write:

"I think some people expressed some feelings about that, but as you said at the time, it is your prerogative to post whatever you choose as long as it's not defamatory."

I  have no knowledge of any of what you write here.  AND the bit about "
your prerogative to post whatever you choose as long as it's not defamatory." sounds petulant....
and 'petulant' is not my style in any sort of event.  I think you are somehow confused here.



On 10/16/2022 2:34 AM, Yehudit wrote:

I get this newsletter because you send it to the CBPartners list, to which I am subscribed. That's why you couldn't find my email to unsubscribe me. Since I want to remain subscribed to CBPartners, I will continue to get it.

It is your choice to send it to CBPartners. I think some people expressed some feelings about that, but as you said at the time, it is your prerogative to post whatever you choose as long as it's not defamatory.



On 10/15/22 10:52 PM, Eric N. Best, Ph.D wrote:

The Mariposa Group 

Evolving Enlightenment via "Real" Community


A Consciously Created Community for "New Humans"
  Laura George's work both community wise and
with her writings are extremely worthwhile.
Her new book deserves your reading it... and so do you !!
In Love & Truth,  Eric

Here is her new work, an extraordinary book



"All great truths are paradox..."  ~ M. Scott Peck, M.D.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."   ~Samuel Johnson



"All great truths are paradox..."  ~ M. Scott Peck, M.D.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."   ~Samuel Johnson






"All great truths are paradox..."  ~ M. Scott Peck, M.D.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."   ~Samuel Johnson



"All great truths are paradox..."  ~ M. Scott Peck, M.D.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."   ~Samuel Johnson

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