38-digit factor of (M+2)216091 by ECM by yoyo@home!

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Nov 21, 2011, 8:13:19 AM11/21/11
to Mersenneplustwo
Congratulations! (and thanks!) to user shauge of yoyo@home,
who today found the following 38-digit factor:



? (2^216091+1)%10704103333093885136919332089553661899
%1 = 0

Desmond:~ james$ time echo '10704103333093885136919332089553661899' |
random seed = 1322045197
number to be tested:

real 0m0.010s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.003s
Desmond:~ james$ time echo '10704103333093885136919332089553661898' |
random seed = 1322868751
number to be tested:
B=1000, curve#1, a=190149571825943
B=1000, curve#2, a=1073156445712691

real 0m0.103s
user 0m0.068s
sys 0m0.003s
Desmond:~ james$ time echo '10704103333093885136919332089553661900' |
random seed = 1322499442
number to be tested:
B=10000, curve#30, a=895951965899684

real 0m36.242s
user 0m9.970s
sys 0m0.038s
Desmond:~ james$

Desmond:~ james$ time echo '10704103333093885136919332089553661899' |
math/gmp-ecpp/atkin237.gmp* -q
random seed = 1322482993
error_shift = 1000
precision = 10000
Bmax = 2000
Dmax = 20
D = -11, dT = 1, T = 1 32768
j = 10704103333093885136919332089553629131
N[0] = 10704103333093885136919332089553661899
a = 3098033617741458406974797413674158172
b = 8638747587932912865602800480437556451
m = 10704103333093885143356365973128768245
q = 25681321800587529284332879819409
P = (394029518, 4379746161764681567449387636774561902)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (8365048367613958359301104556208241091,
Bmax = 2000
Dmax = 20
N[1] = 25681321800587529284332879819409
a = 25681319030387325946337937807198
b = 0
m = 25681321800587521242560242407554
q = 106493451489867558666081601
P = (1585480342, 9811609697218857675037075902353)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (6052949031066506171982690845926,
Bmax = 2000
Dmax = 20
N[2] = 106493451489867558666081601
a = 0
b = 12852616031000365541819784
m = 106493451489878223997114203
q = 4603882513014905089
P = (1843287441, 89870819693309922349090278)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (95581657107586215568133750, 4267987690067721955293021)
Bmax = 2000
Dmax = 20
N[3] = 4603882513014905089
a = 0
b = 410207367272656445
m = 4603882516956760768
q = 6830848383577
P = (3201128035, 3223827455793133385)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (155526274171851024, 1576441881143487819)
Bmax = 2000
Dmax = 20
N[4] = 6830848383577
a = 0
b = 5540373284579
m = 6830843222437
q = 525449478649
P = (1213889068, 6304953360157)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (3058067439616, 5692047731954)
Bmax = 2000
Dmax = 20
N[5] = 525449478649
a = 0
b = 15708087513
m = 525448033936
q = 670214329
P = (3635062484, 64252038294)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (249690828035, 503044025715)
proven prime

real 0m31.011s
user 0m14.226s
sys 0m0.086s
Desmond:~ james$

Desmond:~ james$ /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
| Sage Version 4.3.2, Release Date: 2010-02-06 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |
sage: def FindGroupOrder(p,s):
....: K = GF(p)
....: v = K(4*s)
....: u = K(s^2-5)
....: x = u^3
....: b = 4*x*v
....: a = (v-u)^3*(3*u+v)
....: A = a/b-2
....: x = x/v^3
....: b = x^3 + A*x^2 + x
....: E = EllipticCurve(K,[0,b*A,0,b^2,0])
....: return factor(E.cardinality())
sage: FindGroupOrder(10704103333093885136919332089553661899,757118238)
2^3 * 3 * 5 * 17 * 97 * 607 * 1693 * 1949 * 65011 * 107021 * 134917 *

GMP-ECM 6.3 [configured with GMP 5.0.1] [ECM]
Input number is 2486977010...7938509483 (65050 digits)
[Mon Nov 21 05:52:22 2011]
Using special division for factor of 2^216091+1
Using B1=250000, B2=144052870, polynomial Dickson(3), sigma=757118238
dF=1344, k=8, d=12180, d2=11, i0=10
Expected number of curves to find a factor of n digits:
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
4791 68435 1181497 2.4e+007 5.6e+008 1.5e+010 2.4e+013 3.5e+018 4.7e
+023 Inf
Step 1 took 3163295ms
Estimated memory usage: 1698M
Initializing tables of differences for F took 1840ms
Computing roots of F took 41060ms
Building F from its roots took 98031ms
Computing 1/F took 30280ms
Initializing table of differences for G took 11341ms
Computing roots of G took 27175ms
Building G from its roots took 98109ms
Computing roots of G took 27206ms
Building G from its roots took 97501ms
Computing G * H took 23587ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 38283ms
Computing roots of G took 27097ms
Building G from its roots took 97766ms
Computing G * H took 23697ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 38220ms
Computing roots of G took 27144ms
Building G from its roots took 97829ms
Computing G * H took 23571ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 38455ms
Computing roots of G took 27206ms
Building G from its roots took 97626ms
Computing G * H took 23603ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 38361ms
Computing roots of G took 27627ms
Building G from its roots took 97673ms
Computing G * H took 23556ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 38127ms
Computing roots of G took 27191ms
Building G from its roots took 98093ms
Computing G * H took 23650ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 37955ms
Computing roots of G took 27160ms
Building G from its roots took 97812ms
Computing G * H took 23727ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 38345ms
Computing polyeval(F,G) took 153100ms
Computing product of all F(g_i) took 9048ms
Step 2 took 1778333ms
********** Factor found in step 2:
Found probable prime factor of 38 digits:
Composite cofactor
has 65013 digits

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