45-digit factor of (M+2)23209 by ECM by yoyo@home!

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Dec 5, 2010, 4:07:42 AM12/5/10
to Mersenneplustwo
Congratulations! (and thanks!) to user [P3D] Crashtest of yoyo@home,
who today found the following 45-digit factor:


[P3D] Crashtest

random seed = 1292328207
iter = 1000
Bmax = 2000
error_shift = 1000
precision = 10000

N[0] = 128201605404515119370139202836664201936768339
a = 0
b = 89688413221901148323265285010785799341246162
m = 128201605404515119370116568715250501262461267
q = 2223291254715649492350652805622697
P = (1965754593, 60889907444088140269567387611684054357943591)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (53898277912729453733086466028166174057829105,
N[1] = 2223291254715649492350652805622697
a = 0
b = 517136918933228623427518117209413
m = 2223291254715649580335686599749543
q = 87107074056883833949344277
P = (3421911252, 1602842038559204797474188390599531)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (1088055996380113964229767495009419,
N[2] = 87107074056883833949344277
a = 0
b = 5202092132633676772984237
m = 87107074056902004187893139
q = 53197211956017391
P = (2362625119, 84577898739301293212944978)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (33468624707842766025076354, 18137103533850782215747782)
N[3] = 53197211956017391
a = 0
b = 26179771598127550
m = 53197211605949373
q = 13302628558627
P = (2223124758, 18253021777148979)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (4607961748771082, 44289788572053441)
N[4] = 13302628558627
a = 0
b = 9072964657831
m = 13302635814493
q = 1297944757
P = (1377122123, 11800405242477)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (7213009280011, 9725731475168)
N[5] = 1297944757
a = 0
b = 185543736
m = 1298016769
q = 831529
P = (1186518069, 990249340)
P1 = (0, 1)
P2 = (208628686, 90959236)
proven prime
GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.3.5 (released)
i386 running darwin (ix86 kernel) 32-bit version
compiled: Mar 1 2010, gcc-4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490)
(readline v6.1 enabled, extended help available)

Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The PARI Group

PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License,

Type ? for help, \q to quit.
Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support.

parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000
? (2^23209+1)%128201605404515119370139202836664201936768339
%1 = 0

? isprime((2^23209+1)/
%2 = 0


Dec 6, 2010, 6:09:59 AM12/6/10
to Mersenneplustwo
Details of the lucky curve:

Desmond:~ james$ /Applications/sage/sage ; exit;
| Sage Version 4.3.2, Release Date: 2010-02-06 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |
sage: def FindGroupOrder(p,s):
....: K = GF(p)
....: v = K(4*s)
....: u = K(s^2-5)
....: x = u^3
....: b = 4*x*v
....: a = (v-u)^3*(3*u+v)
....: A = a/b-2
....: x = x/v^3
....: b = x^3 + A*x^2 + x
....: E = EllipticCurve(K,[0,b*A,0,b^2,0])
....: return factor(E.cardinality())
2^2 * 3^2 * 11 * 13 * 31 * 53 * 227 * 967 * 29411 * 1043173 * 1363273
* 1577143 * 1046754883

GMP-ECM 6.2.3 [powered by GMP 4.2.1_MPIR_1.1.1] [ECM]
Input number is 1035398473...202142921 (6973 digits)
[Sat Dec 04 23:43:35 2010]
Using special division for factor of 2^23209+1
Using B1=11000000, B2=27942074176, polynomial Dickson(12),
dF=11520, k=19, d=120120, d2=17, i0=75
Expected number of curves to find a factor of n digits:
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
3 7 27 126 710 4685 35276 296128 2773516 2.9e+007
Step 1 took 6727688ms
Estimated memory usage: 1664M
Initializing tables of differences for F took 6921ms
Computing roots of F took 55422ms
Building F from its roots took 50969ms
Computing 1/F took 20656ms
Initializing table of differences for G took 16141ms
Computing roots of G took 47187ms
Building G from its roots took 51156ms
Computing roots of G took 47812ms
Building G from its roots took 51016ms
Computing G * H took 12578ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17734ms
Computing roots of G took 47891ms
Building G from its roots took 51391ms
Computing G * H took 12750ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17922ms
Computing roots of G took 48000ms
Building G from its roots took 51563ms
Computing G * H took 13562ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 18922ms
Computing roots of G took 48282ms
Building G from its roots took 51046ms
Computing G * H took 12828ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 19453ms
Computing roots of G took 48906ms
Building G from its roots took 51235ms
Computing G * H took 12859ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17672ms
Computing roots of G took 47734ms
Building G from its roots took 51203ms
Computing G * H took 12735ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 19515ms
Computing roots of G took 48594ms
Building G from its roots took 51797ms
Computing G * H took 12672ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17703ms
Computing roots of G took 48375ms
Building G from its roots took 51203ms
Computing G * H took 12703ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17907ms
Computing roots of G took 47625ms
Building G from its roots took 51390ms
Computing G * H took 12641ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17531ms
Computing roots of G took 48094ms
Building G from its roots took 51718ms
Computing G * H took 12969ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17703ms
Computing roots of G took 48344ms
Building G from its roots took 51906ms
Computing G * H took 12891ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17937ms
Computing roots of G took 48391ms
Building G from its roots took 51687ms
Computing G * H took 12922ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17781ms
Computing roots of G took 48438ms
Building G from its roots took 51672ms
Computing G * H took 12562ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17656ms
Computing roots of G took 48469ms
Building G from its roots took 51469ms
Computing G * H took 12750ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17687ms
Computing roots of G took 48438ms
Building G from its roots took 52187ms
Computing G * H took 13000ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 18141ms
Computing roots of G took 48469ms
Building G from its roots took 51781ms
Computing G * H took 12688ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 18062ms
Computing roots of G took 48266ms
Building G from its roots took 51500ms
Computing G * H took 12672ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 17797ms
Computing roots of G took 47859ms
Building G from its roots took 54719ms
Computing G * H took 15109ms
Reducing G * H mod F took 20125ms
Computing polyeval(F,G) took 134750ms
Computing product of all F(g_i) took 2375ms
Step 2 took 2745297ms
********** Factor found in step 2:
Found probable prime factor of 45 digits:
Composite cofactor
has 6928 digits
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