MedStats 'Rules'

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John Whittington

Nov 11, 2023, 4:05:03 PM11/11/23
Hi again,

Writing my recent message to the group about MedStats policies reminded me that the original rules/policies document was 'lost' when,a good few years ago, the group was migrated to its present platform (Googlegroups).  I will attempt to rectify that in the fairly near future.

Those policies/rules were always fairly brief, straightforward and I think pretty 'obvious'.  In essence, the main types of post which are not considered acceptable are:
  • Messages which are abusive, disrespectful or likely to cause offence to at least some people.  This includes 'personal attacks', comments which are 'racist' etc. and the use of unacceptable ('bad'!) language
  • Most forms of advertising, particularly when money is involved.
  • Posts of a political or religious nature.
  • In general, posts concerning topics which are not even remotely related to 'Statistics', in its broadest sense.
If any group members have any comments or suggestions as regards what posts should, or should not, be considered acceptable, please let me know ('privately') and I will tske those comments into consideration when formulating a new 'policy document' (which will probably follow the above summary) - a draft of which I will circulate to the group, for comment, before finalising it.

Kindest Regards,
MedStats Manager


Dr John Whittington,       Voice:    +44 (0) 1296 730225
Mediscience Services       Fax:      +44 (0) 1296 738893
Twyford Manor, Twyford,    E-mail:
Buckingham  MK18 4EL, UK            
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