Error in Maxnet and ENMeval

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Mar 5, 2021, 7:06:54 PM3/5/21
to Maxent

I found this error in maxnet and ENMeval
Error in mm %*% object$betas: non-conformable arguments 

I tried to run the following commands:
rms <- seq(0.5, 5, 0.5)
# iterate model building over all chosen parameter settings
e <- ENMeval::ENMevaluate(occs.xy, envsBgMsk, bg.coords = bg.xy, RMvalues = rms, fc = c("L", "LQ", "H", "LQH", "LQHP", "LQHPT"),
method = 'user', occs.grp, bg.grp, clamp = TRUE, algorithm = "maxnet")

I did not find how to solve it, does anyone have any ideas?


Belay Ejigu

Mar 8, 2021, 6:11:20 PM3/8/21
dear blessed brother,

i think it is better if you use the maxent model in GUI mode if you are a beginner!

because with the GUI maxent model you can learn a lot about it and after that you can run it with R, Python, etc programming languages.
Love you! by!

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Jamie M. Kass

May 3, 2021, 6:36:04 PM5/3/21
to Maxent
This error is due to an issue with maxnet. The new ENMeval 2.0.0 takes care of this by inserting the argument "addsamplestobackground=TRUE", which is an addition to the newest maxnet version. This usually fixes this error, if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise, you can always use maxent.jar to avoid errors with maxnet.


May 4, 2021, 1:01:43 PM5/4/21
to Maxent
Thanks, I updated and it worked.

Oct 13, 2021, 12:22:34 PM10/13/21
to Maxent
Dear friend, 

I'm now using the Wallace package, and then I export the code to rscript. This is amazing. 
Jamie, I realized that regardless of the version, the error remains with some of my species. 

Handroanthus impetiginosus.csv

Jamie M. Kass

Nov 9, 2021, 7:50:55 PM11/9/21
to Maxent
Hey Carlos,

Sorry to get back to you so late. This seems to be an issue that occurs when hinge features and a categorical variable with 2 levels is used. Have you made sure the categorical variable is declared categorical in the implementation? Earlier versions of Wallace did not give the option to specify categoricals, but I believe the dev version on Github does. Although it has not been fully resolved yet, please see this open issue for the topic here:


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