Permit Area

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Jun 29, 2024, 10:20:47 AM6/29/24
to Matienzo Caves
Below is a letter from the Federación Cántabra de Espeleología (translated by ChatGPT) which has been circulated to groups that cave with a permit in Cantabria. Phil has replied and assured Lucía that MCP members will only carry out exploration work within the permit area.
Good afternoon,

On behalf of our federation, we would like to inform and alert you to some issues currently occurring in the exploration areas of Cantabria. In recent months, we have received several complaints regarding illegal explorations taking place in systems within our region, which do not have the authorised permits from the General Directorate of Heritage nor the approval of the clubs.

We kindly ask that you remind all speleologists in your clubs and federations that there is a regulation from the Government of Cantabria outlining how to request exploration area permits. Our federation has always explained and assisted anyone who has needed help with this process.

Exploring clubs, whether from Cantabria, elsewhere in the country, or internationally, that annually meet the requirements, perform a tremendous job that in many cases has been developing over decades. It is quite disheartening that they have to worry about other "speleologists" exploring their areas ILLEGALLY and without any notification. We consider these acts to be of utmost seriousness and a blatant disregard for the work of colleagues who have been working, publishing, and disseminating all their research in an exemplary manner for years.

The Cantabrian Speleology Federation requests that such activities do not happen again, as the competent authorities are aware of the situation and it could pose a very serious legal problem for the offenders.

We would appreciate it if you could circulate this email.

Best regards,

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