October Mountain, 8/2/24

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Gael Hurley

Aug 2, 2024, 8:47:50 PM8/2/24
to MassLep
Things have certainly quieted down a bit compared to the previous 2 months, but I still had a nice list considering I went early for birds and the leps didn't start flying until I was on my way out.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 3
Cabbage White - 2
Summer Azure - 1
Great Spangled Fritillary - 1
Atlantis Fritillary - 1
Pearl Crescent - 11
Common Ringlet - 2
Red-spotted Purple - 4
White Admiral - 3
Viceroy - 4
Northern Pearly-Eye - 1
Wild Indigo Duskywing - 9
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