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Delete blank rows

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Oct 31, 2015, 2:41:33 AM10/31/15
to MapInfo-L

I have a basic tabular table imported from Excel. No graphical data.
There are a few blank rows at the bottom of the table.

How to get rid of those blank rows?
They are bothering me because when I do a group by for example, they will appear in the result as blank
Packing the table is not changing anything.



Oct 31, 2015, 5:40:14 AM10/31/15
to MapInfo-L

If you've opened the spreadsheet with a selected range, rather than the entire worksheet, then you could open the associated .tab file in notepad and edit the range ( e.g. A2:H12 -> A2:H10) to remove the blank rows. The other option would be to re-open the spreadsheet and select the range of cells you need.




Oct 31, 2015, 6:09:37 AM10/31/15
to MapInfo-L

Hi, I usually do it from inside Excel. What you have to do is to delete a few last blank rows in the bottom of your last data.

Let say your last data is in row 200, then you must delete row 201 and next. Delete it like how you delete rows in Excel.

This is done in Excel, not MapInfo.


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Oct 31, 2015, 8:19:01 AM10/31/15
to MapInfo-L
You could also do select where col.1 = "" for example to get rid of them.


Nov 1, 2015, 1:38:35 AM11/1/15
to MapInfo-L

Well, I am not controlling the input from the excel file. So if someone has extra rows on his spreadsheet, I will have to deal with that in my code.
I am getting tab file, which I am processing.

Ok, so I understand there is no way to delete those in Mapinfo, right?
In my group by function, I will sort and discard the blank results.


Thomas Bacon

Nov 2, 2015, 3:19:24 AM11/2/15

Can’t you just add a where clause to your Select statement so that it doesn’t select any blank rows?


e.g. Select * from MyTable where col1 <> “” Group By col1


Tom Bacon

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