Re: Holts in Court Minutes

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Clayton Mann

Mar 7, 2007, 11:06:09 PM3/7/07
Thanks Beth.  I can tell you've been working hard at this.  Regarding Andrew Peddy, he did not move over to Chatham from Wake until about 1818.  He was a very prominent citizen of southwestern Wake County, and as such I have rarely seen his name written in any records as Pe tty. He is listed very many times in the early records of Wake County. If you come across any Peddys if you review these minutes any further, I can assure you they are all part of his family.

The Johnstons/Johnsons you have found are part of our family.  John Mann Johnston, Joseph Johnston, and James Johnston were sons of Charles and Prudence Mann Johnston.  There are a whole lot of Johnstons & Johnsons in those early Chatham records that are not our family. It can be hard to keep them straight.

Barzilla Mims, born about 1806, died in June of 1879.  He married Willey Mims, granddaughter of Andrew Peddy and daughter of William & Priscilla Peddy Womble.  Squire Holt, Richard Holt III and Rigdon Holt were brothers and the oldest sons of Richard Holt, Jr.  Stephen Mann, Daniel Mann and William Mann were brothers and the sons of Stephen Mann who died in 1815.  It's interesting that these three men always seem to show up together. I have seen Chatham court minutes from 1832 I believe it was where they were also listed for road work.  They appear to have remained very close after their father died so young.  Their only sister (that I am aware of) Gilly Mann married Richard Holt, III.

Andrew Jackson Mann was the son of Isham Mann.  Isham Mann was the son Frederick Mann who I believe was the same Frederick Mann who lived in Northampton County, NC and was likely to be Richard Mann's uncle.  Wesley Mann was the son of Roland Mann.  This was a different Mann family that like the Isham Mann family lived north of Pittsboro.  Thomas Mann could be one of two people.  One was the oldest son of Daniel Mann and nephew of Martin Mann.  He evidently was the only child that did not move with his father and family to Guilford County around 1831.  Or he was the son of William Mann and nephew of Roland Mann.  I'm inclined to think he was the latter since Thomas, son of Daniel, was not born until about 1818 and Thomas, son of William, was born about 1806.

It appears that any interesting court minute records from the 1820s must be few and far between.  Is this true?  No mention of the Holts between 1826 and 1830?  George Holt died in 1826...just wondered if there were any mention of that.

Thanks again,

On 3/7/07, Elizabeth Moye <> wrote:

Hi Clayton:  Yes, the date should be 1831 and not 1813.  I don't recall
seeing any mention of Andrew Peddy to date but could have missed his name as
I have not previously been able to fit him in the Petty families I am
tracing.  Don't recall any mention of Silas Mann either but Richard and
Charles Johnson have been showing up regularly to the best of my knowledge.
There are many, many Johnsons in the minutes but I have noticed the name
Richard Johnson as he seemed to be living near the Holts.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February 1839:
Ordered by the Court that Joseph Johnson be appointed overseer of the road
from Lambeth's Bridge on New Hope to the x Roads at Barzillai Mim's and that
the following hands work under him viz:  Daniel Tilman, Ira Tilman, John
Matthews, Eton Lasater, Mrs. Sturdivants hands, John M. Johnson, James
Johnson, Joseph Johnson, David Gardner, Daniel Matthews, Jackson Davis, Thos
Mason, John B. Drake, George Holt.

Jurors to be called for March Superior Court included Thomas Mann
Jurors to be called for May CPQS included Andrew J. Mann, Wesley Mann

Jackson Mann was appointed to a road crew to work on the road from Bloody
Creek to the county line.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November 1838:
80 acres of land on Shaddox' Creek belonging to Richard Johnston and
adjoining A. Holt was sold for taxes owed in 1836.  John Haralson bought the

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May 1838:
Ordered by the Court that Jeptha Holt be appointed overseer of the road
leading fro the forks of the road near Saml. Wilson by James Blanchets to
the road leading from Raleigh to Haywood;  and that his own hands, Squire
Holt, Rigdon Holt, Richard Holt, William Mann, Stephen Mann & Daniel Mann
work under him.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February 1838:
Alsa Holt served on the Grand Jury
George and Jeptha Holt served on juries

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November 1836:
Ordered that James Blanchet be appointed Overseer of the road leading from
the forks of the road near Samuel Wilsons by the said Blanchets to the road
leading from Raleigh to Haywood and that Jeptha Holts hands Squire Holts
Ridgon Holts Richard Holt William Mann Stephen Mann and Daniel Mann work the
said road.

Deed of Trust Between Richard Johnson Harty Lasater and Abner Gunter proved
by Aaron Bryant

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May 1836:
George Holt is appointed Overseer of the Buck Horn Road from Lambeth's
Bridge on New Hope to the Cross Road at Barzilla Mims and that the following
hands work under him, To wit, Daniel Tilman Ira Tilman John Matthews Easton
Lasater Mrs Sturdivants hands John Johnson James Johnson Joseph Johnson
David Garner Daniel Matthews Jackson Davis Thomas Mason and John B Dark.

Looking at the minutes, it is clear that Alsey is not coming to court every
year to give his guardian report on the orphans.



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