Alternative link (Falls Lake FA, the 4th edition - Saturday January 21, 2012 (26.2 to 53.4 miles)

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Mike Walsh

Dec 10, 2011, 10:38:52 AM12/10/11



Because people are having issues with the long URL, I have created a TINYURL of which will also work.


If you get nervous about TINYURLs taking you someplace you don't want to go, remember you can preview their destination, our example is


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Falls Lake FA, the 4th edition - Saturday January 21, 2012 (26.2 to 53.4 miles)


Everybody had such a good time last year that we decided to hold it again!  Usual FA rules apply, no entry fees, no whining, no littering, etc.


We are going to do the same out-and-back format as last year.  We'll mark a turnaround point for people looking to do marathon distance.  Everyone else can turn around at their pleasure.  Doing an out and back also means we've been able to eliminate car shuttling. 


We’d like to aim for marathon or beyond runners since the parking lots are sort of small, but may open this up to less-than-marathon if we think we have space for more runners.


We chose January 21 again as something easy on our brains, but also to slot between Weymouth Woods 100K and NC FA 50K, as well as to give an option for people who got shut out due to Uwharrie closing so fast.


This is of course a fat-ass run, so as Doug Dawkins paraphrases Lao Tzu: "Come with no expectations and you won't be disappointed".  We will have fun though!  These are beautiful, if challenging, single track trails with enough beauty to keep you looking forward, and enough roots and rocks at your feet to keep you honest.


NCRC is going to again help out by loaning their coolers, and they’ll list us for insurance (but don’t do anything dumb just because we are covered), so thank Brad and the other folks when you see them too.


Finally, I know at least Ken will be out of town that weekend, and I’ll be looking for volunteers in general.  If you can volunteer, or run and volunteer, please do email me.


Registration: Complete the Google Docs form at the below URL.  Given the way runs are filling up lately I can’t predict if or when I’ll close entries, so I just recommend signing up soon.


(if your email or browser application breaks up this url, please cut and paste into your browser)


Fees: heck no, no fees.  But, everyone is expected to bring some sort of food to share.  Box of crackers, bag of cookies, etc.  Homemade goodies get brownie points.


What you need to bring:

  • A bottle or hydration pack of some kind.  There will be NO cups at the aid stations.  And no drinking out of the cooler spigots, that's gross.
  • Some kind of runner's food to donate to the aid stations.  Box of crackers, bag of cookies, etc.  Homemade goodies get brownie points.  This will be collected the start.
  • Any additional food, gels, etc that you want to carry on your person
  • Your printed map and trail description (see below)
  • Whatever kind of gear you will need for your run, and prepare for worst case.
  • Bring a flashlight or headlamp (with a backup just in case)
  • If you are going to at least Aid Station 2 and back (round trip of 34.6 miles) you will have drop bag privileges, so feel free to bring one if you want.
    • Last year none of the drop bags contained anything runners wanted to keep (mostly their preferred food or hydration) and it was tough to coordinate getting the drop bags back.  This year a volunteer will grab the drop bags when he breaks down AS2 at 2pm, and we’ll ask that you contact the “volunteer to be named later” in the days following the event if you want anything back from your drop bag.  Any opened food or drink will be thrown out automatically, anything unopened may be consumed by said volunteer!
  • NO dedicated aid shuttle to the Falls Lake Dam this year since no one needed it last year.  AS2 will be your last aid on the east end, so plan accordingly


Map and trail description: attached, I'll send again to participants before the run 

  • I STRONGLY advise printing these out AND carrying them with you during the run.
  • Follow the WHITE blazes.  If you go a while and you don't see one, STOP and go back to find where you left the official trail.
  • There are some tricky sections, and these can help a lot.  We will NOT have the opportunity to mark with flour this time, so be prepared to possibly route find a bit.
  • NOTE that we are starting at the end of Section 10 and running east, so on the way OUT you'll be reading the description in reverse.


Start/finish Location:

  • Parking lot at the end of Section 10, 1.6m north of NC-98 on Rt. 50, north of Raleigh
  • This is just south of Beaver Dam Recreation Area. 
  • Sorry, I don't have GPS coordinates for this location...
  • Please park courteously.  Please DO NOT park in the official parking lot on the east side, let's space out on the WEST side along the road so as to not impact the other users.


Start Times:

  • 8AM start: ONE START ONLY.  We will collect drop bags for those going at least to Aid Station 2 – see comment above on getting drop bag contents if you need anything back at a later date.



  • Runners will go out east as far as they wish heading toward the dam tailrace at the beginning of section 1, and then come back to the start/finish area.  All 10 sections out and back will be 53.7 miles. 
  • We will mark the 13.1-ish point for the marathon folks with a cone (end of Section 5, east side of 2nd causeway on Six Forks Road). 
  • Other distances can improvise.


Aid, Cutoffs and Safety:

  • NO check-in/check-out sheet at the aide stations – just be careful out there.
  • We will leave the turn-around time up to each runner, but please be conservative and make SURE you get out of the woods safely before dark
  • Aid Station 1 (AS1) will be located at Barton Creek Boat Access, approximately 9.3 miles from start (Section 7, Mile Description 17.4).  Will shut down at 4pm.
  • Aid Station 2 (AS2) will be located at Possum Track Road crossing, approximately 17.3 miles from start (End of Section 3, Mile Description 9.4).  AS2 will also have the drop bags.  Should be set up by 10AM or so, highlight to me if you think you might be there earlier.  Will shut down at 2pm.
  •  We MAY add an aid station at the marathon turn-around this year – we’ll let you know.
  • The aid stations will be UNMANNED
  • Each aid station will have water, Gatorade and a portion of the donated food
  • Plan your hydration and nutrition strategies around these two aid stations and what you carry with you
  • NO cut-off times – be conservative and safe.  DO NOTE the aid station shut down times
  • The start/finish area will be shut down at run end at 6pm so my volunteers can get home



  • Nothing officially organized.  Be sure to have some nutrition and hydration in your car for when you finish.






Mike Walsh

Cell Phone: (919) 931-6047


Personal E-Mail: (this is 'mikew' then the underscore sign '_' then 'nt' then '')


(Please note this email was composed using Word as the editor)


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Mike Walsh

Dec 23, 2012, 6:51:39 PM12/23/12

Happy Holidays All!


I’ve posted to the various Facebook groups, but had forgotten to send out to the email lists.  So, consider this the email announcement and a reminder.


This is always a blast, and I look forward to catching up with you all again.


Signups are open for Falls Lake FA, the 5th edition - Saturday January 12, 2013 (26.2 to 53.4 miles) at


If you want to attend, you MUST sign up - we have to watch numbers. Also, I'm purposely NOT doing a FB event for this and ask that no one else does - again, I need to carefully track participants and you will ONLY be signed up via this Google form.


Thanks, and look forward to seeing you all!


Best to you all,






Everybody had such a good time last year that we decided to hold it again!  Usual FA rules apply, no entry fees, no whining, no littering, etc.


We are going to do the same out-and-back format as last year.  We'll mark a turnaround point for people looking to do marathon distance.  Everyone else can turn around at their pleasure.  Doing an out and back also means we've been able to eliminate car shuttling. 


We’d like to aim for marathon or beyond runners since the parking lots are sort of small, but may open this up to less-than-marathon if we think we have space for more runners.


We chose January 12 again as something easy on our brains, but also to avoid conflicting with Little River, Weymouth Woods 100K and NC FA 50K, as well as to give an option for people who got shut out due to Uwharrie closing so fast (and this year it is far enough away from Uwharrie that it could be a final long training run for those who get slots).


This is of course a fat-ass run, so as Doug Dawkins paraphrases Lao Tzu: "Come with no expectations and you won't be disappointed".  We will have fun though!  These are beautiful, if challenging, single track trails with enough beauty to keep you looking forward, and enough roots and rocks at your feet to keep you honest.



Fees: heck no, no fees.  But, everyone is expected to bring some sort of food to share.  Box of crackers, bag of cookies, etc.  Homemade goodies get brownie points.


What you need to bring:

•           A bottle or hydration pack of some kind.  There will be NO cups at the aid stations.  And no drinking out of the cooler spigots, that's gross.

•           Some kind of runner's food to donate to the aid stations.  Box of crackers, bag of cookies, etc.  Homemade goodies get brownie points.  This will be collected the start.

•           Any additional food, gels, etc that you want to carry on your person

•           Your printed map and trail description (see below)

•           Whatever kind of gear you will need for your run, and prepare for worst case.

•           Bring a flashlight or headlamp (with a backup just in case)

•           If you are going to at least Aid Station 2 and back (round trip of 34.6 miles) you will have drop bag privileges, so feel free to bring one if you want.

•           Last year none of the drop bags contained anything runners wanted to keep (mostly their preferred food or hydration) and it was tough to coordinate getting the drop bags back.  This year a volunteer will grab the drop bags when he breaks down AS2 at 2pm, and we’ll ask that you contact the “volunteer to be named later” in the days following the event if you want anything back from your drop bag.  Any opened food or drink will be thrown out automatically, anything unopened may be consumed by said volunteer!

•           NO dedicated aid shuttle to the Falls Lake Dam this year since no one needed it last year.  AS2 will be your last aid on the east end, so plan accordingly


Map and trail description: I'll send to signed-up participants before the run 

•           I STRONGLY advise printing these out AND carrying them with you during the run.

•           Follow the WHITE blazes.  If you go a while and you don't see one, STOP and go back to find where you left the official trail.

•           There are some tricky sections, and these can help a lot.  We will NOT have the opportunity to mark with flour this time, so be prepared to possibly route find a bit.

•           NOTE that we are starting at the end of Section 10 and running east, so on the way OUT you'll be reading the description in reverse.


Start/finish Location:

•           Parking lot at the end of Section 10, 1.6m north of NC-98 on Rt. 50, north of Raleigh. 

•           This is just south of Beaver Dam Recreation Area. 

•           Sorry, I don't have GPS coordinates for this location...

•           Please park courteously.  Please DO NOT park in the official parking lot on the east side, let's space out on the WEST side along the road so as to not impact the other users.


Start Times:

•           8AM start: ONE START ONLY.  We will collect drop bags for those going at least to Aid Station 2 – see comment above on getting drop bag contents if you need anything back at a later date.



•           Runners will go out east as far as they wish heading toward the dam tailrace at the beginning of section 1, and then come back to the start/finish area.  All 10 sections out and back will be 53.7 miles. 

•           We will mark the 13.1-ish point for the marathon folks with a cone (end of Section 5, east side of 2nd causeway on Six Forks Road). 

•           Other distances can improvise.


Aid, Cutoffs and Safety:

•           NO check-in/check-out sheet at the aide stations – just be careful out there.

•           We will leave the turn-around time up to each runner, but please be conservative and make SURE you get out of the woods safely before dark

•           Aid Station 1 (AS1) will be located at Barton Creek Boat Access, approximately 9.3 miles from start (Section 7, Mile Description 17.4).  Will shut down at 4pm.

•           We will have an aid station (ASM) at the marathon turn-around again this year

•           Aid Station 2 (AS2) will be located at Possum Track Road crossing, approximately 17.3 miles from start (End of Section 3, Mile Description 9.4).  AS2 will also have the drop bags.  Should be set up by 10AM or so, highlight to me if you think you might be there earlier.  Will shut down at 2pm (this might get adjusted based on last year).

•           The aid stations will be UNMANNED

•           Each aid station will have water, Gatorade and a portion of the donated food

•           Plan your hydration and nutrition strategies around these two aid stations and what you carry with you

•           NO cut-off times – be conservative and safe.  DO NOTE the aid station shut down times



•           Nothing officially organized.  Be sure to have some nutrition and hydration in your car for when you finish.







Mike Walsh

Cell Phone: (919) 931-6047


Personal E-Mail: (this is 'mikew' then the underscore sign '_' then 'nt' then '')


(Please note this email was composed using Word as the editor)


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Version: 9.0.920 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/4072 - Release Date: 12/10/11 02:39:00

Mike Walsh

Jan 6, 2013, 1:56:59 PM1/6/13

Final reminder, FLFA coming up this next Saturday (12th), still plenty of slots open. 


Signups are open for Falls Lake FA, the 5th edition - Saturday January 12, 2013 (26.2 to 53.4 miles) at


I’ll get a quick message out to those currently signed up with maps, and a final message to those signed up on Friday.




Happy Holidays All!


I’ve posted to the various Facebook groups, but had forgotten to send out to the email lists.  So, consider this the email announcement and a reminder.


This is always a blast, and I look forward to catching up with you all again.


Signups are open for Falls Lake FA, the 5th edition - Saturday January 12, 2013 (26.2 to 53.4 miles) at


If you want to attend, you MUST sign up - we have to watch numbers. Also, I'm purposely NOT doing a FB event for this and ask that no one else does - again, I need to carefully track participants and you will ONLY be signed up via this Google form.


Thanks, and look forward to seeing you all!


Best to you all,






Everybody had such a good time last year that we decided to hold it again!  Usual FA rules apply, no entry fees, no whining, no littering, etc.


We are going to do the same out-and-back format as last year.  We'll mark a turnaround point for people looking to do marathon distance.  Everyone else can turn around at their pleasure.  Doing an out and back also means we've been able to eliminate car shuttling. 


We’d like to aim for marathon or beyond runners since the parking lots are sort of small, but may open this up to less-than-marathon if we think we have space for more runners.


We chose January 12 again as something easy on our brains, but also to avoid conflicting with Little River, Weymouth Woods 100K and NC FA 50K, as well as to give an option for people who got shut out due to Uwharrie closing so fast (and this year it is far enough away from Uwharrie that it could be a final long training run for those who get slots).


This is of course a fat-ass run, so as Doug Dawkins paraphrases Lao Tzu: "Come with no expectations and you won't be disappointed".  We will have fun though!  These are beautiful, if challenging, single track trails with enough beauty to keep you looking forward, and enough roots and rocks at your feet to keep you honest.



Fees: heck no, no fees.  But, everyone is expected to bring some sort of food to share.  Box of crackers, bag of cookies, etc.  Homemade goodies get brownie points.


What you need to bring:

•           A bottle or hydration pack of some kind.  There will be NO cups at the aid stations.  And no drinking out of the cooler spigots, that's gross.

•           Some kind of runner's food to donate to the aid stations.  Box of crackers, bag of cookies, etc.  Homemade goodies get brownie points.  This will be collected the start.

•           Any additional food, gels, etc that you want to carry on your person

•           Your printed map and trail description (see below)

•           Whatever kind of gear you will need for your run, and prepare for worst case.

•           Bring a flashlight or headlamp (with a backup just in case)

•           If you are going to at least Aid Station 2 and back (round trip of 34.6 miles) you will have drop bag privileges, so feel free to bring one if you want.

•           Last year none of the drop bags contained anything runners wanted to keep (mostly their preferred food or hydration) and it was tough to coordinate getting the drop bags back.  This year a volunteer will grab the drop bags when he breaks down AS2 at 2pm, and we’ll ask that you contact the “volunteer to be named later” in the days following the event if you want anything back from your drop bag.  Any opened food or drink will be thrown out automatically, anything unopened may be consumed by said volunteer!

•           NO dedicated aid shuttle to the Falls Lake Dam this year since no one needed it last year.  AS2 will be your last aid on the east end, so plan accordingly


Map and trail description: I'll send to signed-up participants before the run 

•           I STRONGLY advise printing these out AND carrying them with you during the run.

•           Follow the WHITE blazes.  If you go a while and you don't see one, STOP and go back to find where you left the official trail.

•           There are some tricky sections, and these can help a lot.  We will NOT have the opportunity to mark with flour this time, so be prepared to possibly route find a bit.

•           NOTE that we are starting at the end of Section 10 and running east, so on the way OUT you'll be reading the description in reverse.


Start/finish Location:

•           Parking lot at the end of Section 10, 1.6m north of NC-98 on Rt. 50, north of Raleigh. 

•           This is just south of Beaver Dam Recreation Area. 

•           Sorry, I don't have GPS coordinates for this location...

•           Please park courteously.  Please DO NOT park in the official parking lot on the east side, let's space out on the WEST side along the road so as to not impact the other users.


Start Times:

•           8AM start: ONE START ONLY.  We will collect drop bags for those going at least to Aid Station 2 – see comment above on getting drop bag contents if you need anything back at a later date.



•           Runners will go out east as far as they wish heading toward the dam tailrace at the beginning of section 1, and then come back to the start/finish area.  All 10 sections out and back will be 53.7 miles. 

•           We will mark the 13.1-ish point for the marathon folks with a cone (end of Section 5, east side of 2nd causeway on Six Forks Road). 

•           Other distances can improvise.


Aid, Cutoffs and Safety:

•           NO check-in/check-out sheet at the aide stations – just be careful out there.

•           We will leave the turn-around time up to each runner, but please be conservative and make SURE you get out of the woods safely before dark

•           Aid Station 1 (AS1) will be located at Barton Creek Boat Access, approximately 9.3 miles from start (Section 7, Mile Description 17.4).  Will shut down at 4pm.

•           We will have an aid station (ASM) at the marathon turn-around again this year

•           Aid Station 2 (AS2) will be located at Possum Track Road crossing, approximately 17.3 miles from start (End of Section 3, Mile Description 9.4).  AS2 will also have the drop bags.  Should be set up by 10AM or so, highlight to me if you think you might be there earlier.  Will shut down at 2pm (this might get adjusted based on last year).

•           The aid stations will be UNMANNED

•           Each aid station will have water, Gatorade and a portion of the donated food

•           Plan your hydration and nutrition strategies around these two aid stations and what you carry with you

•           NO cut-off times – be conservative and safe.  DO NOTE the aid station shut down times



•           Nothing officially organized.  Be sure to have some nutrition and hydration in your car for when you finish.







Mike Walsh

Cell Phone: (919) 931-6047


Personal E-Mail: (this is 'mikew' then the underscore sign '_' then 'nt' then '')


(Please note this email was composed using Word as the editor)


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