Google Condemns Dave Horn's Unethical Actions with Legal Threats

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Aug 28, 2006, 5:28:08 PM8/28/06
As we reported earlier in August, Dave Horn has encouraged unbelievers
to illegally and dishonestly inflate the click count (and expense) for
clicking on Google Ads that contain Dr. Jason Gastrich's web site;
which is a 501(c)(3), non-profit Christian ministry. Horn has not only
encouraged this deceit on Usenet, but also on a popular, atheist
internet forum.

He said, "By the way, yes, one can do a Google search for "Gastrich"
and find that there is a "sponsored link." By clicking on it, one is
taken to his site, and Gastrich pays Google every time that happens.

Since hit count is what Gastrich is all about, I say we give him what
he wants, and we click through the ad whenever we want to visit his
page, which should be frequent...after all, he wants us to be saved,

This sort of click manipulation is strictly prohibited by Google. In
fact, they say that they will even prosecute those who engage in this
sort of behavior. "Any advertiser or publisher participating in
invalid click activity or any related offense is subject to legal
prosecution. We will also take the appropriate action on the related

Google continues and says, "Google strictly prohibits any method used
to artificially generate invalid clicks or page impressions and closely
monitors clicks on Google AdWords ads to prevent abuse. Invalid clicks
may include the following:

- Manual clicks intended to increase your advertising costs or to
profits for website owners hosting your ads."

Reportedly, from August 5 to August 28, this advertisement has received
173 invalid clicks. Fortunately, for this dedicated, Christian
ministry, Google is on top of things. They say, "Our system
automatically identifies most clicks generated by unethical users and
automated robots, and filters out these clicks before they ever reach
your reports."

Wherever there is fraud and wherever charitable organizations are
persecuted, you'll find! Horn . . . once again . . .

Fraud Buster

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