David W. Horn Labels and Stereotypes Those That Don't Agree With Him As Cultists

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Oct 30, 2005, 12:06:02 AM10/30/05
to Maleboge.com
As much as Horn would like people to believe he's an "even-handed,
unbiased" thinker, we see quite the contrary in the things he writes.
In fact, besides his irrational fears and chest beating trips down
Machismo Lane, he seems to call people cultists if they don't
prescribe to his non-Christian brand of silent theism.

When asked to look at the world God created in order to find evidence
of a Creator, Horn replied with, "The Mormons and other cults use
this line of 'reasoning.'" Link:

When talking to a Baptist seminarian (who is obviously not a cultist),
Horn said, "About 15 years ago, I had a run-in with a religious
cultist like you and he showed up, uninvited and unwelcome, at my door.
Let's just say that the reception that he received was not exactly what
he expected. He might have even had to change his shorts when he got
home. Looking down the business end of a Remington 870 can have that
effect on someone, I guess." Link:

In reference to a liberal Christian group in Denver, Horn says,
"Several years ago, back in Denver, I ran into something similar. It
was in the middle to late 80s, maybe even into the early 90s, when a
Denver-based cult group calling itself the "Sound Doctrine Church" had
bulletin boards and was involved in several echos. The leader was a man
named "Tim Williams" . . . Link:

While the Sound Doctrine Church may promote baptismal regeneration and
a works-righteousness gospel, they certainly aren't a cult. They
aren't on any cult lists or even watch lists. Their site:

In response to a Protestant Christian named Uncle Davey, Horn wrote:

"Disprove my faith *for* **me**." First of all, that's very difficult
when one has the cult mentality that you do; but when most of us
generally are more interested in "live and let live" as long as you
don't harm or bother anyone else, why would it matter what silly things
you believe?" Link:

Not only do we see Horn's usual, unwarranted vitriol here, we see him
putting down the beliefs of a Protestant Christian and saying he has a
"cult mentality." If someone disagrees with Horn, they "argue
like a cultist" and if they make arguments he can't answer, then
they have a "cult mentality."

Fraud Buster

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