Dave Horn Callously Throws Dirt in the Face of Humble, Apologetic Man

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Oct 26, 2005, 5:54:56 PM10/26/05
to Maleboge.com
Recently, John Wolf made a public apology in Usenet. He had posted a
public, Amazon.com review for a book he did not read. Wolf's subject
line said, "Apology for the amazon.com review I submitted about the

As is par for the course for Dave Horn and power-happy people like him,
he used this opportunity to punch a humble, apologetic man in the face;
to kick him while he was down.

Horn wrote, "I saw that review. You clearly left the indication that
you had read it. Now you say you didn't. You lied. Okay...we got

Instead of accepting Wolf's apology and writing something mature, Horn
used the opportunity to exert power over John Wolf; a tactic that
bilkers use all the time to make themselves feel better than others,
while trying to cause the humble, apologetic person to feel even more
pain and distress.

Dave Horn's detestable acts seemingly never end.

Fraud Buster

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