剛看到 ant 分享的訊息,原來成大介入專利戰爭:
成功大學電機系王駿發教授在美國的專利 US7266496 - Speech recognition system
"The present invention discloses a complete speech recognition system
having a training button and a recognition button, and the whole
system uses the application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
architecture for the design, and also uses the modular design to
divide the speech processing into 4 modules: system control module,
autocorrelation and linear predictive coefficient module, cepstrum
module, and DTW recognition module. Each module forms an intellectual
product (IP) component by itself. Each IP component can work with
various products and application requirements for the design reuse to
greatly shorten the time to market."
ant 的見解為:
「成大認為 Apple 侵犯其美國的 '032 及 '496 兩項專利,其中核心侵權的是 '496,並指出 Apple
侵權是「故意行為」,因此最終若判定具侵權行為,Apple 將會罰三倍。」
「不過我看了一下 '496 這個專利,只能說這個專利很『學術』,與一般業界寫出來的專利不一樣,另外要繞過的方式有很多,雖然我不了解
Apple Siri 的技術,但不負責任的初步認為 Apple 『應該』沒有侵權,或至少 Apple 還有很多路可走。」
台灣媒體的報導: 「成大在美告蘋果Siri侵犯專利權」