FRCCS 2023: Call for Participation to the Doctoral Student Award

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Roberto Interdonato

Mar 28, 2023, 1:54:24 PM3/28/23


FRCCS 2023

Submission deadline: April 24, 2023


The Doctoral Student Award is part of CSS FRANCE's global initiative to support early career researchers in their quest to advance the frontiers of science across a broad range of disciplines. It is in place to recognize early career contributions and leadership in research in Complex Systems related fields. It is awarded to young researchers enrolled in a Ph.D. program.

This competition consists in presenting your research in simple terms in a five minutes video to a lay audience. Your presentation should be clear, concise, and convincing.



  • Eligible candidates must:
  • Be under 30.
  • Be enrolled in a Ph.D. program in whatever discipline Complex Systems covers.
  • Commit to presenting their work at FRCCS if awarded
  • Accept and authorize the use and distribution of videos and photos related to the competition, including on social networks
  • Have informed their thesis supervisor of their participation in the competition
  • Present a sufficiently advanced state of the doctoral research project


Application Instruction

The application package must contain the following:

  • A CV of the candidate (maximum two pages)
  • A summary (maximum two pages) presenting the research work, its context, main contribution, and scientific impact.
  • A 5 minutes video presentation.


Application Process

 Applications are made via a google form on the online portal.

Note that Google Forms requires you to be signed in to a Google account to upload files and submit your responses. 


Selection Process

FRCCS Award Committee will evaluate all qualified candidates and propose the winner to the Advisory Board of CSS FRANCE, which will make the final decision.


Award Procedure

All applicants will be informed about the outcome in early May. The award will be recognized and presented at the upcoming FRCCS Annual Meeting. The award will also cover one FRCCS registration to facilitate attendance at the meeting to receive their award and contribution towards travel costs.


For more information contact:

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