[Call for Participation] AI for Visual Arts Workshop and Challenges (AI4VA) at ECCV 2024, Milan, Italy

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Martin Nicolas Everaert

Jun 14, 2024, 9:36:40 AMJun 14
to ml-...@googlegroups.com, Deblina Bhattacharjee, ai4vaeccv202...@googlegroups.com

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Participation, please distribute among interested parties.

Dear all, 

We are accepting submissions for both papers and extended abstracts to the AI for Visual Arts Workshop and Challenges (AI4VA) at ECCV 2024, Milan, Italy. There are also 3 challenge tracks for participants to solve the tasks of semantic segmentation, depth ordering, and saliency estimation for comic arts. Please refer to the call for participation below.

AI for Visual Arts Workshop and Challenges (AI4VA)
 in conjunction with ECCV, 29 September, 2024
AI4VA is a half-day ECCV workshop that includes keynote talks, panel discussions, challenges across 3 tracks, and paper and poster presentations on AI for Visual Arts. It explores how creative fields like art, design, photography, and film, which are central to economic and cultural innovation, intersect with AI advancements. The workshop will feature collaborations between artists, filmmakers, and computer vision researchers, fostering an exchange of ideas. Topics covered range from Art History and AI, 3D reconstruction from art, generative art approaches, ethics in AI art, multimedia systems, digital libraries for artistic research, and applications in AR/VR, to media analysis and more, all focusing on the synergy between AI and visual arts.
1) Workshop full-paper and extended abstract submission

  • July 25th, 2024 (AoE): Paper submission deadline and extended abstract submission deadline

  • August 7th, 2024 (AoE): Acceptance Notification

  • August 15th, 2024 (AoE): Camera-ready deadline

  • September 29th, 2024 (AM session): Workshop event

All submission deadlines are AoE (Anywhere on Earth).


All submissions will be handled electronically via the OpenReview Website: https://openreview.net/group?id=thecvf.com/ECCV/2024/Workshop/AI4VA. The format for paper submission follows the guidelines of the ECCV 2024 main conference. Please refer to ECCV 2024 submission policies (https://eccv.ecva.net/Conferences/2024/SubmissionPolicies)

There are 2 tracks to submit your workshop paper.

Full-Length Papers: 

  1. The workshop will offer the opportunity to publish full-length papers in the workshop proceedings (up to 14 pages excluding references). These papers should describe new work that has not been previously published, accepted for publication, or submitted for review at another venue during our review period. Please follow the standard ECCV template for submissions in this track.  

  2. The review for AI4VA 2024 will be double-blinded; Authors will not know the names of the area reviewers of their papers, and area reviewers will not know the names of the authors. Each submitted paper will be revised by three experts.

  3. The paper length should match that intended for final publication.

  4. Papers are limited to 14 pages, including figures and tables, in the LNCS style of Springer. Additional pages containing only cited references are allowed.

  5. Please download the ECCV 2024 Author Kit for detailed formatting instructions. Note also that the template has changed since ECCV 2022. Authors must thus use this new template instead of templates from older conferences.

  6. While there is no limit to the number of references, reviewers are instructed to check for pertinence. Citation of any of the co-authors’ published work must be done in the third person. Reference to unpublished work can be made by anonymizing it, including it as supplementary material, and referencing it as Anonymous.

  7. Authors may optionally submit additional material that could not be included in the main paper due to constraints of format e.g., a video, project website with interactive demos, art demos, etc as supplementary material. However, these should be provided as anonymous links at the end of the paper and the deadline to submit these are the same as that of the full-length paper.

  8. Papers that are not blinded, do not use the template or have more than 14 pages (excluding references) will be rejected without review.

Extended Abstracts: 

5 pages excluding references, NOT appearing in proceedings. The abstract will describe new, previously, or concurrently published research or work-in-progress with a length of up to 5 pages excluding references. The abstracts will NOT appear in proceedings. However, the accepted abstracts will be published online on the workshop website upon consensus agreement provided by the authors. 


  • All accepted full-length papers will appear in the ECCV 2024 workshop proceedings.

  • Authors of all accepted papers will be invited to present their work in a poster session, and a selected few in an oral session.

  • The presenter need not be the first author of a submission.

Submission page:  https://openreview.net/group?id=thecvf.com/ECCV/2024/Workshop/AI4VA

Paper template:  For both types of submissions please use the ECCV paper template.


2) Challenge participation

The workshop features three challenges focusing on applying computer vision (segmentation, depth, and saliency) to visual arts, centered around the AI4VA dataset (released). This dataset, a first-of-its-kind benchmark, is designed to evaluate vision models’ ability to interpret comic art, focusing on segmentation, depth, and saliency. It includes detailed annotations of diverse comic styles, such as the toon-styled ’Placid & Muzo’ and the realistic ’Yves le loup’, digitized from weekly papers published in the mid-20th century. These annotations cover various aspects like segments of graphical elements, ordinal depth, and character actions, enhancing understanding of artistic nuances. This is also an effort to aid artists in diffusing their work’s reach by integrating the AI4VA benchmark annotations with automated remediation algorithms. The dataset, ready for release, will be evaluated using standard metrics on a CodaLab-hosted server. 

All instructions related to the challenge: https://github.com/IVRL/AI4VA

Evaluation: A single-phase evaluation with the competition hosted on Codalab.

Important Dates for the Challenge

June 18th, 2024 (AoE): All data and development kit release

September 10th, 2024 (AoE): Final submission deadline

September 18th, 2024 (AoE): Challenge report and code deadline

Challenge winner presentations: The top two entries from each of the three challenge tracks will be given a 5-minute presentation slot and prizes.


AI4VA is an ECCV workshop, so your registration for it is handled via the ECCV website. Make sure your ECCV registration includes workshops. Information on ECCV registration is available here.

For more information please visit https://sites.google.com/view/ai4vaeccv2024.

Thank you and kindest regards,

Deblina Bhattacharjee
On behalf of AI4VA@ECCV2024 Organizing Committee
General Chair of AI4VA@ECCV2024 
Postdoc@IVRL, EPFL Switzerland

Assistant Professor of CS (Incoming)@ the University of Bath, UK


Martin Nicolas Everaert

PhD student in Image and Visual Representation Lab (IVRL) at EPFL

martin-ev.github.io Social media: Linkedin X Youtube Scholar

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