This was sent to me by an anonymous "fan" of MCF

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Sep 22, 2006, 5:25:23 PM9/22/06
to Militaria Collecting forum Exposed!

A reader's comment. I think my google group is starting to attract a
lager audience. More mail is coming in every day. Here is one person's
statements. I think this writer hits the nail on the head. Admin has
said that I am a reject among rejects. But I point out Admin and PK
have both been banned from every other forum out there. It's no wonder
they had to create MCF. If not for MCF they could not take any part in
Internet discussions. That is how vile they really are. PK is a member
of GMIC for now. See how long that lasts. I have something like 300
posts between the other two major forums and contrary to what Admin
said would happen. I am still a member in good standing.
As for the writers observation on Admin's quote, the only thing it
tells me
is that Admin is a liar. Possibly a pathological one.

The writer below promises more.


Subj: You can post this - but Please!
Date: Friday, September 22, 2006 11:07:56 AM

What can be said about a so called militaria forum that is run by a
convicted felon who constantly sells fakes on ebay (and was caught
several times by other collectors who are now 'serving' on his
board....) and a failed 'writer' who's Ego is so big that he
feels the urge to fill the internet with his 'allegations',
'rumors' and half-truths?

This: To feel sorry for the few serious collectors, which are stuck
with them and believe all the crap. That's all that can be said about
the site itself. Fortunately, the site doesn't have 6000 members as
shown. It would be a sorry state of affairs if that would be really the
extend of the collector community. Taking out the dead bodies, the
multiple identities of PK and Honts, one might be left with a hard core
of 500. And a big part of this number is the moderators itself. Have a
look at the "active users" and you will see that 6-7 hours after
login in the name is still active. That's not a real time
representation. Guests are counted double in case you didn't notice.
So 'active' at any given time? Maybe 100! And that's comforting
to know!

Sure, there are valuable sections! That's the real sorry part -
all the wasted talent. The terrible fact that those talented people
with good knowledge and honest intention are just serving the main goal
of the two guys running the show: create a platform to badmouth
everybody else under the pretence of 'free speech' and 'truth'
- but it's all about serving their own purpose.

Neither Honts not PK are known to be defenders of free speech - just
the contrary. That Honts is advance-reading, changing and censoring
posts of people is a known fact. Also his 'spanking' procedure and
the 'dunce cap' routine - a sign of his mental deficit and

PK resorts to verbal attacks which rather sooner than later end in
'accusations' of homosexuality and cheap pornographic comparisons.
One does not need to be a Freudian disciple to realize that this must
have a deeper root. One could come to the conclusion that either a
hidden and suppressed homosexuality or some drastic experiences (maybe
as a Para...?) makes him touch on that topic with regularity. The
pictures of him with a known transvestite could very well serve to
support that thought process. 80% of his posts are in response to
people who "pissed him off" - in most cases people who threw him
off other discussion boards. Now there is something to be said about
this! Why is it that the majority of boards out there don't want him
and his overextended ego? Because he lives for controversy and puts
other people down to elevate himself. Why does he do that? Because
he's a looser in his real life. A guy who looks in the mirror every
morning and sees a successful writer - but he isn't. There's
nothing bad about being a mediocre writer and editor (which he
certainly is, otherwise he would be working for The Times) - it only
becomes a problem when he starts to portray himself as something he
clearly isn't. The moment a discussion gets tough or he's running
out of arguments (which happens in most cases), back to the
pornographic routine, the e-mail campaigns and the threats about
'identity theft' and other ugly measures. Now he thinks he
"won' an argument by perceived rhetoric skills and does not realize
that people step back because he's a loose canon which will resort to
such unfair and damaging measures. The public posting of private
conversations is the lowest form of misusing trust and might very well
be one reason he's not successful in his publishing career. He's
running out of sources who are willing to trust him, too many burned
bridges. There are examples....

PK would sell his mother (or wife or whatever he holds dear besides
himself) for a cheap applause by his disciples, for a short moment of
fame on a third class Internet venue.

Why is it that he (and certainly Honts) immediately wants to find out
more about a dissenting poster? Why is it that he posts information,
phone numbers, digs into the private live, SSN, addresses, hobbies,
....? To attack, to smear, to 'report', to divert from himself, to
portray a certain 'power', to ridicule and to destroy. A good
writer uses words as an elegant means of conversation and surely the
word can be as sharp as a sword. PK uses words like an axe and it is
very telling that one of his multiple identities at MCF was "The Mad
Axeman". Very rarely, but here he was truthful.

PK has a certain sensational value, no doubt about that! He surely is
entertaining and has a solid portion of street wit. Mind you, not the
intellectual wit one might acquire during hard studies of intellectual
subjects, such as militaria for example. It's the street wit of a
'would be biker' stuck somewhere between world revolution and
bourgeois live. So is he the intellectual he portrays himself to be?
Certainly not since he's lacking the strength, the moral fiber and
the educational background to face-off in an open discussion. Don't
misjudge the lack of opposition as a sign of superiority - it's
only a sign of his suppression tactics. He's a perfect 3rd grade
dictator, ruling his flock by fear, and ignored by the rest of the free
world. But he is also a perfect 'case study' of the Internet.

And he's using Honts as his useful idiot! Despite the earlier
disputes and postings from Keating against Honts and his dirty
businesses (which he clearly did not change since then), now they are
buddies! At least that is what Honts thinks. His intellectual
capabilities do not extend to the realization that Keating only needed
a venue to blast against GD, WAF, Feldgrau, Axis and against whatever
other person 'out there' who needs his 'attention'. This is the
same reason most of the moderators of MCF are moderators at MCF: thrown
off somewhere else and looking for a podium to justify their
'unjust' fate. And a big portion of obsession to put the other
venues down, no matter how ridiculous. It's not about truth; it's
about sensationalism, and a thing we can learn from the English and
their journalism.

Now Honts cannot be faulted for not seeing the scam PK is pulling with
him. It is beyond his intellectual capability and he actually should be
happy (which he is) that he 'has' PK. Otherwise the site would be
dead already. Does he know that? No way! He thinks that he's the
'Big Cheese', as per his own description. Now what does he do?
Actually, nothing other than insulting his own members and creating
over-priced pins to fill his private pockets. And the occasional
'spanking' of dissenting voices. Now here's another tell tale
sign in psychological study. Just create this mental picture: a
disgruntled, unmarried mid-aged video store clerk who loves to
'spank' people. We could assume that he learned that while he was
in prison for the robbery he instigated. Did he get a spanking from
Bubba? We don't know but his behavior surely points to some traumatic
experience. He's clearly not in tune with the rest of the world and
judging by remarks of people who know him, he's not even in tune with
himself. Only a guy like this, a 'lone bachelor' sitting in a video
store, could come up with the idea to create a section in the 'social
forums' for 'naughty pictures'. Because that is the extend of
'social' he has allowed and learned for himself: looking at naughty
pictures. Roger, Roger, do you not know already all the (free) porn
sites out there? Do you have to create one of your own? Poor little

His big buzzword is 'respect'. One has to respect him! Free speech
and free exchange of opinions as long as one respects him! What a joke!
First of all, how can somebody respect someone who operates under a
pseudonym? Everybody knows he's Honts but he blows a gasket when
he's not properly addressed with "ADMIN". Reminds me of the
Wizard of Oz. Hiding behind a big curtain pulling the levers! How can
one respect such a two faced individual? Respect needs to be earned and
he certainly has not done that. Here's a typical quote from him:

"His name is XXXX. I have his complete address, etc., but there's
really no use. I've been having fun with the space walker for months
now. Every time I read someone, I'll shoot him off about 10,000 emails.
Haven't from him in a while, but I'll bet he's a pro at deleting

So what do we have here? First of all his admission that he has his
name, address, etc.. which for him is the most important thing. Then
the admission that he can't really 'use' it. Some might wonder
what the 'use' could be? Another admission: he's having fun with
him for month!! So who's harassing whom? What kind of fun is it?
Spanking? Or an intellectual debate about the effect of the oil price
on future development of bio fuel? I don't think so! Next the
admission of cyber crime - shooting 10,000 emails at the poor guy.
That alone warrants a call to the local FBI!

This is how Honts portrays himself: knowing details, having fun
(harassment, I guess) and conducting cyber crime! And his flock is
applauding him and tries to outdo him by posting pornographic pictures!
This is the militaria collector community he has created!

Sep 23, 2006, 4:43:46 PM9/23/06
to Militaria Collecting forum Exposed!
Ahhh what good is their hit thread on me if I can't read it? LOL

In a message dated 9/23/06 1:15:03 PM, writes:

Nobody other than members can see the forum now. I'm not loging in. Not
for the love of Christ! I will find out, however.

Here's another thing you can post:

Only if and when you have loged in as a meber can you see the board! So
why are there 353 guest? All stupid or what? No, the answer is easy.
ADMIN writes every attempt as a visitor. He uses the formula 1 -2 - 1-
2 - to boost the numbers. Try it. Just erase the cookies and log in
again. 321 - 323 - 324 - 326 - 327 - .Somebody with a little brain told
Honts that if always multilies by two it might rase some eyebrows since
the number is always even. Plus, as he had it before, if one looks at a
very old thread it shows always two guests...mmmm??

So here you have it! 115 members active over 6 hours. Actually active
maybe 30!!!! Out of over 6300! Half of the 30 is Honts himself!

Thanks for the revelation, Roger!

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