I've washed my hands of MCF.

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Oct 6, 2006, 3:34:24 PM10/6/06
to Militaria Collecting forum Exposed!

I will simply no longer look at your forum, any of the threads that
is. I am done with MCF. All that is being posted now is bait and I am
not interested. This group will remain up until they ask me to take it
down. If they really like it then I guess it will remain. There is no
need to look at their hit thread as looking into MCF threads is like
looking deep into the eyes of a criminally insane person. And it's an
ugly view.

Keating says I am a coward for blocking communications with him yet
he first blocked me from contacting him on GMIC. I have no time to deal
with people who don't see a problem with this or the contradiction and
hypocrisy. Joey B so much as admitted it was wrong to post my photo in
reply to a debate on a helmet. I caught him on a bad day. He must have
had a bad day more then once because he posted it twice. So my travels
with MCF end the same way they started. Of course had I known what kind
of people are on MCF I'd simply have just not bothered to go there.
That is why I have this news group. To serve as a warning mark for new
members thinking about signing on. There really need not be any further
posts on it. The group stands as a testament to what goes on there.
They can lie all they want on their hit threads, the other side of the
story survives here. Let the readers make the call.
Say what they may but, would anyone let the kind of people who post
the kinds of things on down and dirty watch their children? I don't
think so either. As always MCF accuses others of what they are guilty

Send what you want to the press. You are delusional. I was advised
not to state the course of action I took today so I won't. Anyone
getting anything will see it for what it is, a smear campaign and are
likely to call the police.

Good bye MCF.


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I should add, even though I've said it before, when Joey B posted my
photo the first time I offered an apology to anyone I might have
offended. No one said a word so I said nothing.

It's in the record at MCF it cannot be denied. It's also right here in
my google group. In fact, this goes to show you how little anyone of
the taking part in the hit thread on me has really considered my side.
In the first two or three posts I forget what one I state my name and
listed an ebay auction.

When I get emails from Admin saying, "I am going to have so much fun
playing with you" well why am I not surprised? That is what Admin does
and why he looks for the "one" to play with on his forum. Anyone with
such an outlook has problems himself and is not normal himself. I got
that feeling early on. He even confirmed it twice and now that I am not
on MCF.... well.

Keating says they addressed the Honts as Admin thing however I never
saw it. It was not addressed in the hit thread on me unless he means to
say they have addressed it by attacking the messanger. That of course
does not address anything. Just more smoke and mirrors. So like I said
I won't be back. They can say what they want.

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