My PM with keating

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Sep 11, 2006, 3:39:25 PM9/11/06
to Militaria Collecting forum Exposed!
One wonders when the mail bombs will start to come via the USPS?

[QUOTE]We know you're sending anti-MCF PMs to people on this website,
Mike. We've also seen your anti-MCF gig on Google. Please continue with
our blessing. It's all good promotion for MCF.

Seen Luke Skywalker recently? I saw Lord Lucan eating with Elvis
Presley in a seaside cabana in the Bahamas last month.

May the Force be with you!



Don't worry too much about it. I am not forcing anything on anyone.
Jon did not want the info so he did not get it.

He will remain your blind servant.

With what I am finding out about MCF, I must say, you and Roger Honts
are pretty scarry people. The abuse I endured on your site is all so
very clear as to the reasons now.


Sep 21, 2006, 3:47:37 PM9/21/06
to Militaria Collecting forum Exposed!
Latest PM with keating. Mike

[QUOTE][quote]My reply:



What "sheep"? Many of our members argue with us all the time. You never
saw the row I had with "Doug in Florida" over a book review? You must
have, if you're watching our site. In the end, I had my say and he had
his, we agreed to disagree and then I made him a moderator and gave him
a book review section BECAUSE he stood up for his viewpoint. I still
disagree with him. There are plenty of other similar examples. I
suppose you'll twist that to seem as if I was buying Doug off but that
simply isn't the cased. You know, Mike, if you did an MCF search just
on me alone, you'd see that the flaming you got was nothing compared to
some of the ###### I've had thrown at me. Anyway, people react in
different ways.

*** I had the same type of disagreement with one of your mods on a
helmet. Rather then discuss the disagreement or even blast me he posted
my photo of me in costume. Now Admin and others bitch that I talked
about star wars but I never brought it up. Think of it like a gay being
outted and forced out of the closet. Just like that situation people
can't get past the costume. So what I was subjected to is quite
different then what you and Doug had. And then I will remind you that
Admin publicly stated twice that MCF always has a punching bag and that
I was it, I can only assume because of the costume. Talk about twisting
things. You could out do President Bush. Your forum had problems with
me but the real problem was how your mods operate. MCF failed to see
this and that is why my google group got started.

I'm not going to sue you! I'm just making the point that those in
glasshouses oughtn't to throw stones. Don't give me a load of BS about
legalities because neither of us is 'clean' when it comes to saying
unpleasant things that could attract libel suits.

*** I was pretty clear, I wasn't giving you a load of anything. I
pretty much stated what you do here. Neither of us is clean. But the
original problem started with your mod in the helmet forum. Is that why
the forum is no longer public?

Not my job to prove anything to you. I have never denied that Roger
Honts is Admin. Nor has he. Again, do a search on MCF and you'll find
references to this. I think it's really up to you to prove that you are
right about Roger Honts, since you're the one asserting that the
stories you've read here and there are true.

Personally I believe he is. I don't know for a fact. I know Admin is
a pathological liar. He lied when he said my name was Mike Dunn and
that he had my info. He lies to his membership.

I sent you the post link to a thread in which I quote a PM from you to
me in which you included or involved me in your flame war with other
members by asking me to intervene and by suggesting that I was bound to
join in your persecution by other MCF members. I went to the thread and
saw you insulting MCF in a scattergun fashion and told you to ######
off. Pretty honest and direct, no?

***Wow I remember that PM better then you. I did not insult you, did
not pick any fights with you. It was an honest question, I asked why
you were not bashing me like the rest. Before this we had little
contact. After this of course you joined in because well what else
could you do? Then I was banned with no right of reply.
If MCF did not deserve my criticism..... well of course it did. If
one of your members posts a legitimate question in a weapons forum and
it's called a troll attempt as it was called well don't play games with
your members and expect them to put up with that. Maybe the pussies on
your group will but not me. Obviously you think it's ok to toy with
people and then ban them.

I'm not attacking you. I am fielding your assertions. Big difference.
Your problem here, mate, is that I am not twisted at all. I am very,
very straight. You're the one turning like a shark on a hook.

***I've been told Admin, you and some MCF minions are delusional. I
cannot disagree in the face of such revisionism.

Yeah, you said something else about me. You said, in effect, that I
conducted a damage limitation exercise in connection with Did you even read what I wrote in relation to that
particular assault on MCF? I don't think so. I suggest you dig it up on
MCF and read it before you send me anymore PMs.


***I read what you said. All you did in the last thread on me when I
was banned was repeat what others had said. With NO consideration to
why I was saying what I was saying.

About you and Honts and my speculation for why you were exposing
someone I believe you were either a partner with at the time or later
became, again that is my view. You are free to change that view all you
have to do is Identify who Admin is and prove the ID. I can do it, I
offered to prove my ID and that I owned certain collectibles badge
Collector was demanding I prove I own. I made proving this a
stipulation on a bet the prize being membership at MCF. He did not want
to take my bet and in fact played games around the issue. I have
little doubt Badge Collector is AKA Admin. With the public scandal in
relation to MCF, Honts and the banning of long time well known and
liked members as Nopoop and the 4 others banned in the fall out, the
burden of proof lays with MCF.


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