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Oct 9, 2006, 2:57:52 PM10/9/06
to Militaria Collecting forum Exposed!

This group was originally started to Expose the hypocrisy and abuse
goes on at

There is now new information that suggests the guy who runs the forum
is not all he seems. He is known as Admin on the forums and does not
disclose his name. I believe he has something to hide. There is a
reason why the MCF leadership is always exposing fakers and con men and
it's not what it seems. In this group you will find some pretty
interesting info on the man who has no name but Admin. Like anything
else you have to make up your own mind.

Here I share posting in raw form that I have made and were made by
others as well as private communications by MCF Admin. None of the
postings have been altered to any degree save for post posted spelling
and or intent. All are on record on MCF in Kunt's Corner or the Pub and
MessTent forums save for the last two I posted with a borrowed account
that was totally deleted by Admin. Deleting posts and silencing members
is something Admin is always bitching about with WAF and other forums
yet it goes on all the time at MCF and this group is set up to show
this and the problems in general at MCF.
The text herein is by no means complete in that I was not able to
save everything and since I no longer have access to the forums I
cannot get other threads that were posted however I may add them in
time as I have supporters inside MCF who may help in this regard. My
supporters on MCF live in fear and generally the membership is ruled by
the iron fist of the Stern German who runs things. Many time members
disagree with what goes on and see the hypocrisy but know better then
to make more then a token protest. ' And now with the banning of nopoop
they know better then to say anything at all in protest.

My deleted posts were a last farewell and appeal to decency. When
those two posts were deleted it became war and I will not be silenced
ever by MCF. That I feel the need to air the dirty laundry is
regrettable but necessary and is a result of MFC's actions that cannot
stand as is.
In creating this news group on MCF understand it is not intended to
keep people from enjoying the forum, it serves only as a base of truth
to inform the potential member of the pitfalls of the group and so you
will know what you are getting into.

Questions and comments are welcome however the opposing MCF side of
things will not be welcome here. They are not charitable with free
speech when it comes to me so I will take the same policy with MCF

There is no defamation here as everything can be verified. My
opinions are mine alone and the record can be checked at MCF but you
will have to become a member. Comments from other MCF members past and
current are welcome for publishing here.

The Moderator

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