Here's the changes, brought bc.bas down to 18K lines.
'--------------------bc-parser.bas -----------------------------
'These next 2 lines are REQUIRED for a NON modular bc.exe
'to compile this app
'REMOVED [-i] Send Warnings and Errors to INFOBOX
'REMOVED [-l] Create Runtime LIBRARY source and header Files
'REMOVED TURBO on by default code. Now the safe and slower memory
will be used.
'REMOVED GLOBAL Use_Library ' Vic McClung for Building
Runtime Library
'REMOVED GLOBAL Use_Dll ' Vic McClung for Building
'--------------------bc-parser.bas -----------------------------
As you can see, all of the "RunTimeFunctions" code has been removed.
What is
left is the main parsing program, which is what translates basic code
to C
Now, if you look there ARE indeed GUI, CONSOLE, and REQUIRED include
that are needed for the parser to run and to generate the required
As the remarks in the snippets shown above, the parser will work on
RIGHT NOW if you add the $PROJECT and $PELLESC directives. Also because
are doing the C runtime libraries. I made them PellesC, so there are no
other compiler options, the .C and .H files will have to be modified
other OS and compilers.
That's about all I have at the moment.
Ok, so I did a little bit more before sending this email!
'REMOVED SUB SetFlags it was no longer being used.
'RENAMED TokenSubstitutions to BasicSyntaxToC_TokenSubstitutions
'MOVED BasicSyntaxToC_TokenSubstitutions to it's OWN
' include file! 2500 lines!!!
'Note that BasicSyntaxToC_TokenSubstitutions is
' called 6 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The "BasicSyntaxToC_TokenSubstitutions" sub is called 6 times, so in
BCX translates 5 times slower than it could be made to run. (IN THEORY)
Ok, so the real big translation from BASIC code to C code is done with
subroutine. It is basically (no pun intended) a SEARCH AND REPLACE
If any of you were with me back in the day, I once replaced this with a
config file and wrote an S&R function that read the file upon startup
then replaced "this" with "that" based on the contents of the config
*I better send this before I make more changes!
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I purchased a copy of System Commander 8 recently and spent the majority of
the weekend rebooting my machine trying to get it to work. It's a fast
machine, but I don't think it boots any faster than a lot of the slower
machines I've had. I still don't know if I can make it multi-boot or not.
Windows and Linux will both dual boot just fine if I leave them alone, but
the idea of being able to select a random set of OS's and booting anyone of
them at will is eluding me even with two different commercial programs that
claim they can accomplish it with 100's of OS's. I'm afraid I have a few
more days of rebooting before I come to any real conclusions on this issue.
The machine has four SATA drives and the BIOS ordering and the Windows order
do not match. I don't know if this is contributing to the problems I'm
having or not. I was seriously considering purchasing some more drives and
starting completely over again. If I had not just renewed my MSDN
subscription and know that I have house insurance and taxes due at the end
of the year, I would probably have walked over to Best Buy and spent a few
hundred dollars yesterday evening.
I should probably give up and just use the computers instead of trying to
force them to do something that they don't want to do, but I guess I'm just
too stubborn to give up and I think I'm still learning some things.
Besides, you're doing all the work. Why should I get in your way?
Looking at the progress you're making, and the lack of progress I'm making,
I'm wondering if I don't need to change strategies regarding MBCX. Maybe I
should be thinking about the TDD tests that should be put in place to
validate the MBCX you are creating rather than attempting to do what you're
already doing.
I really want to understand how BCX works, but I guess a higher priority is
being able to write modular BCX programs and it seems like you have made
some major progress in that direction.
I did pull down your files (did an update from SVN) over the weekend and it
only took a few seconds. I read the file and folder names and that's about
the extent of my efforts so far.
I have a meeting tomorrow evening, but I'm off on Wednesday, so I'm hoping
to find some time and energy to take a peek at what you've accomplished.
Do you have a plan and any guess about when you're going to feel like you've
arrived? Do you see things coming together in a week, a month, or have we
already arrived and I just don't know it?
Don't know if you noticed the Source Forge web page. Marc used a whole lot
of technology to create a 3 link web page, but he got to play and I'm sure
the foundation is in place to do some really powerful stuff if we decide we
want to.
Thanks to both of you for the energy you've both expended on my little
Marc and I made an audio connection with Google Talk the other evening and
it was better than the cell phone connections we have established. I wonder
how it would be from MO to MA. I think I'll send you an invite. Maybe we
can chat sometime.
David Garner