LWB in Google Earth

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Jul 23, 2009, 2:45:35 PM7/23/09
to Lynn Woods Bouldering Group
I've added an awesome new feature to LynnWoodsBouldering.com.  You can now view my trail and boulder data in an embedded version of Google Earth.  Even better, I've added photos of some of the boulders and oriented them to approximate the photographer's line of sight.  This gives the viewer a good feel for what the real landscape is like.  Just double-click the camera icons to see the photos in the proper orientation.  Google Earth is friggin' amazing for free software!
Go to my site and click the "Online Guide" button.  You will need to install Google Earth and its browser plug-in if you don't have them already.  Google Earth is Mac and PC friendly, but you need to have a decent graphics card and CPU for it to work well.  Click on the "View the Google Guide" button and enjoy! 
This feature is still being developed, but eventually there will be a lot more bouldering info embedded in the map.  Right now, you can only get the map ID, some boulder names, and some photos, but eventually there will be links to pages dedicated to each boulder that will contain more photos, problem descriptions, and topos.  Someday...
P.S.  Pete, as we discussed a few months ago, I will soon have a way for people to easily post descriptions of new problems and other info.
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