TF comments

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Renata von Tscharner

Oct 27, 2010, 1:55:12 PM10/27/10
Dear Bill,

thank you for gathering all the task force comments and doing a great job steering this process.

One comment that was made by several members does not seem to have made it into the report and could be added  either on page iv or page 7:
The new pedestrian bridge is a separate entity and will not substitute or compensate for the sidewalks and bike lanes on the Longfellow bridge itself.

page iii
under the charts  is mentioned OUtbound c, but chart does not give such an option.

page 3
bullet points:
Visionary- build for the future  add  with flexibility for a mode shift

add bullet point: Study traffic during construction

In the decades to come the success of this bridge renovation will be judged by the width of the sidewalk ( ie  where the crash barrier is located).

Best regards


Renata von Tscharner
Charles River Conservancy
4 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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